Free live Webinar:

Primitive Reflexes Explained

Practical Interventions for Parents and Therapists

join the webinar to learn:

  • What primitive reflexes Are
  • Whyprimitive reflex integration is vital for success
  • How toidentify if a child may have retained primitive reflexes
  • Next Stepsin your primitive reflex journey

Rachel Harrington (COTA/L,AC) &

Jessica Hill (COTA/L)

Free Live Webinar:

Primitive Reflexes Explained

Practical Interventions for Parents and Therapists

Join Us to Learn:

  • Whatprimitive reflexes Are
  • Whyprimitive reflex integration is vital for success
  • How toidentify if a child may have retained primitive reflexes
  • Next Stepsin your primitive reflex journey

Presented by:

Rachel Harrington (COTA/L, CPRCS) & Jessica Hill (COTA/L, CPRCS)


Primitive Reflexes Explained

Practical Interventions for Parents and Therapists

Join the webinar to Learn:

  • What primitive reflexes are
  • Why primitive reflex integration is vital for success
  • How to identify if a child may have retained primitive reflexes
  • Next Steps in your primitive reflex journey

Presented by:

Rachel Harrington (COTA/L, CPRCS) &

Jessica Hill (COTA/L, CPRCS)

Free live Webinar:

Primitive Reflexes Explained

Practical Interventions for Parents and Therapists

join the Webinar to learn:

  • Whatprimitive reflexes Are
  • Whyprimitive reflex integration is vital for success
  • How toidentify if a child may have retained primitive reflexes
  • Next Stepsin your primitive reflex journey

Presented by:

Rachel Harrington (COTA/L, CPRCS) &

Jessica Hill (COTA/L, CPRCS)

Enter your email here to Register:

Can't make it live? Sign up anyways and we'll email you the replay! 

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Learn About Primitive Reflexes From Certified Primitive Reflex Specialists

Why this hidden challenge could be causing difficulties in learning, motor skills, and sensory processing

Up to 89% of children may have retained primitive reflexes, which can lead to many developmental challenges!

During the webinar, we cover 5 common primitive reflexes:

  • The Moro Reflex
  • Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR)
  • Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR) 
  • Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR) 
  • The Spinal Galant Reflex

Webinar Details


Great For:

Parents, Educators, Therapists, Anyone Working with or Caregiving for Children


Instant Access

Sign up below for instant access to this on demand webinar!


Take the Post Assessment to get 0.2 CEUs (2 Contact Hours) after you watch the webinar!

FREE Bonuses:

Helpful Downloads:

  • Activity Demonstrations
  • Visual Handouts
  • References

Enter your email here to register:

Meet Your Webinar Hosts


We are two very passionate Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants who specialize in Sensory Integration and Primitive Reflex Integration.

After over 10 years of working with children in outpatient settings, we realized we wanted to bring our expertise to more families and therapists. With this mission in mind, we started the All Things Sensory Podcast, and have been creating in-depth trainings to help children with sensory challenges and retained primitive reflexes.

Our goal is to empower and educate families, caregivers, therapists, and educators to ultimately create strong, confident children!

We are so excited to have you join us!

Rachel Harrington (COTA/L, CPRCS)

Jessica Hill (COTA/L, CPRCS)

Learning Outcomes

Upon Completion of this course, participants should be able to:

1.Identify 3 potential adverse reactions to occupational-based tasks when primitive reflexes are retained, i.e. bathing, eating, playing, etc.

2.State 2 common primitive reflexes and how they impact academics when retained.

3.List 3 functional activities to include during play-based therapeutic treatment interventions to integrate primitive reflexes.

4.Define the pyramid of learning and identify where primitive reflexes are located, compared to academic and cognitive skills.

AOTA Guidelines

Primitive Reflexes Explained 

Practical Interventions for Parents and Therapists

Distance Learning—Independent

Distance Learning—Interactive

This webinar provides the basic foundation for understanding and identifying retained primitive reflexes: primitive reflex integration refers to the process of facilitating the integration of primitive reflexes into more mature, controlled movements. This integration is addressed through specific therapeutic techniques and exercises designed to stimulate the central nervous system and promote the development of higher-level skills. 

By addressing primitive reflexes, the aim is to enhance overall neurological development, coordination, balance, motor skills, and cognitive functioning in order to improve independence with daily occupations. Designed for pediatric occupational therapists, this webinar provides the foundational knowledge to understand and identify if retained primitive reflexes are negatively impacting daily functioning for children with or without neurodevelopmental disabilities. 

PD Provider Name and Contact Information:




Rachel Harrington, COTA/L, CPRCS

Jessica Hill, COTA/L, CPRCS

Target Audience:

Introductory-intermediate-level OTs, COTAs, educators, and other pediatric professionals.

Note: While many professionals may benefit from the course content, we can only guarantee acceptance of continuing education by AOTA.

AOTA Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Contact Hours:

2 contact hours / 0.2 AOTA CEUs

Time Ordered Agenda:

Educational Level:


Financial and non-financial disclosures:

Financial: Rachel Harrington and Jessica Hill are employees of Harkla and podcast hosts of All Things Sensory, by Harkla. 

Nonfinancial: No relevant non financial relationship exists.

Registration Information, Including Special Needs Requests:

Harkla will make accommodations following the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require specific accommodations because of a disability, please email prior to beginning the course to make appropriate arrangements.

Requests may also be made by calling Harkla at 1-844-939-2122

Login to your account on to access your course materials, video lessons, post-test, and course evaluation.

PD Activity Completion Requirements:

Record of purchase (recorded automatically by our system and checked when accessing the post-test)
Successful completion of the post-test (≥ 80%)

Attestation statement verifying the learner viewed the webinar in its entirety and completed the post-test independently (included on post-test)

Cancellation Policies:

Canceled By Harkla:

Refunds for the full amount paid will be credited to accounts within 24 hours of cancellation. Learners will be notified by email before the training start time.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties with accessing your course materials, please contact Harkla:

Harkla’s Happiness Guarantee provides full refunds if you are not satisfied with your purchase. Contact support for assistance.

Canceled By Participants:
Participants may cancel their purchase at any time before beginning the course and will receive a full refund.

Please contact customer service for assistance:

Harkla is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. Course approval ID# 11753. This distant learning—independent, distant learning—interactive course is offered at 0.2 CEU (introductory level, Foundational Knowledge, OT Service Delivery). The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.

Who Is Harkla?

we think people with special needs should have every opportunity to live happy and healthy lives

Harkla was started over four years ago with a mission to help those with special needs live happy and healthy lives. Over the years, Harkla has helped over one hundred thousand families feel more calm at home, focus in the classroom, and experience more growth, development & joy in life.

Anything We Can Help With? Let Us Know!


1403 S. Broadway

Boise, Idaho 83706