You may have heard the term “primitive reflexes” thrown around before but do you know and understand what they are and why they’re important? If not, that’s ok! Many people have no idea what primitive reflexes are, much less why they are so important to childhood development.
If you are familiar with primitive reflexes but ready to learn more, then you’re in the right place!
At birth, primitive reflexes are present to assist in survival - most develop in utero. These involuntary movement patterns are designed to keep the newborn alive and help with development throughout infancy. They are essentially the foundation for higher-level learning and development. The kicker here is that these primitive reflexes do not stay forever; they should integrate - go away - typically around 12 months of age, some closer to two or three years old.
When a primitive reflex integrates, it makes way for new, more mature movement patterns and higher-level learning to develop.
To be more scientific, when a new movement pattern is developed, it creates new neural pathways in the brain, thus prompting higher-level skill development. For example, an infant must first develop head and neck control before learning to sit upright independently. If the infant does not develop head and neck control, he/she will be unable to sit upright without assistance.
If a reflex does not integrate, development may be hindered, and the infant may not gain higher-level skills.
If a primitive reflex is retained - that is, still present - after 12 months of age, challenges may arise. Each primitive reflex comes with its own set of movements and leads to new and different developmental milestones. If a specific reflex is retained, it may affect a specific area of development.
Additionally, many reflexes are directly related to another. Therefore, if one reflex is retained, we can assume that others will be retained.
A study from 2016 found that “Retained primitive reflexes can disturb natural development and involve difficulties in social, educational, and psychomotor development.”
Typical childhood activities such as: playing with peers, running and jumping, learning to read and write, self-care tasks, and many more can be impacted by retained primitive reflexes.
Not a lot of definitive research has been done to determine exactly why primitive reflexes may be retained. However, there have been some potential factors identified:
Again, this is not an exhaustive list, but simply some potential factors that have been identified in correlation with retained primitive reflexes. These factors, however, are not a guarantee that a child’s primitive reflexes will be retained.
Oftentimes when a parent begins learning about primitive reflexes, they may feel guilty - like they somehow caused their child’s reflexes to stick around longer than necessary, thus causing challenges as their child ages.
Please do not feel guilty! Retained primitive reflexes are no one’s fault! Yes, there are things we can do during our child’s early years to help promote primitive reflex integration, but there is no “one size fits all,” there is no “cure,” and there is no blame to be had.
Use this quick symptom checker to identify if your child may have retained primitive reflexes.
Please note, this is not a symptom checker to diagnose. This is simply to assess whether your child may or may not have one or more retained primitive reflexes.
If you checked off half or more of the above items, your child may have one or more retained primitive reflexes.
So what do you do if you suspect that your child may have retained primitive reflexes?
First, remember that there is NOTHING wrong with your child! This may just be something that they struggle with and your job is to help them as they grow.
Next, keep reading! We are about to dive into the main six primitive reflexes that are addressed in occupational therapy and give you some simple ideas that you can use to help your child.
Then, if you are ready to help your child even further, seek out a trained Occupational Therapist in your area who can test your child’s primitive reflexes and guide you on your way to integrating any retained reflexes!
Occupational Therapists (OT), and other professionals such as Physical Therapists and pediatric chiropractors, are often the go-to when learning about and integrating primitive reflexes. Typically, this is due to the broad range of areas that OTs address.
Specifically, when working with children, OTs address self-care tasks, social skills, motor development, sensory integration, and more. All of these areas can be affected by retained primitive reflexes.
The six primitive reflexes that are most commonly addressed in Occupational Therapy are:
While there are many more primitive reflexes, these are the most common ones to be addressed in therapy.
Next, let’s briefly discuss each of these six primitive reflexes.
The Moro Reflex is present at birth - it is an involuntary movement in response to sudden stimuli. A report from 2020 reported that the Moro Reflex can be seen as early as 25 weeks postconceptional age and usually is present by 30 weeks postconceptional age.You’ve heard of the startle reflex, right? That’s the Moro Reflex!
The Moro Reflex should be integrated - not present - by six months after birth, at the latest.
Some potential symptoms of a retained Moro Reflex in infants and older children are:
The TLR is closely linked to the Moro Reflex and is seen with movement of the head forwards or backwards - providing a method of response to gravity (an infant experiences gravity for the first time after birth, so this reflex is a direct response to this newfound challenge). The TLR develops in utero and has a direct influence on the development of muscle tone throughout the body.
The TLR should be integrated - not present - by as late as 3 years old. However, it can be integrated as early as six months (note, this is the approximate age when the Moro Reflex should be integrated - quite the connection!).
Some potential symptoms of a retained TLR in toddlers and older children are:
The Palmar Grasp Reflex is an involuntary response to stimuli on the palm of the hand. This assists a newborn with grasping objects before they actually do so on purpose. A report from 2020 also found that this reflex can help create interaction and bond between the infant and the adult. The Palmar Grasp Reflex develops roughly between 11-16 weeks in utero.
The Palmar Grasp Reflex should be integrated - not present - by no later than six months of age - the age when an infant begins to intentionally grasp objects.
Some potential symptoms of a retained Palmar Grasp Reflex in infants and older children are:
The ATNR has been associated with assisting during the birthing process as well as it also facilitates the kicks felt in utero. Movement of the head to one side causes movement of the arms and legs and therefore helps to build muscle tone, skills on each side of the body, and hand-eye coordination. The ATNR develops at around 18 weeks in utero.
The ATNR should be integrated - not present - by no later than nine months of age.
Some potential symptoms of a retained ATNR in toddlers and children are:
The STNR is directly related to the TLR - because the STNR assists the infant with moving from prone (laying on belly) into quad (on all 4s - pre crawling position), it additionally assists with integrating the TLR. According to a report from 2020, the STNR develops between 6-9 months after birth.
The STNR should be integrated - not present - by 9-11 months of age (a very short life span compared to some of the other Primitive Reflexes).
Some potential symptoms of a retained STNR in toddlers and children are:
The Spinal Galant Reflex is associated with assisting during a vaginal birth, along with the ATNR, according to one research study. In infants, stimuli provided to the lower back will produce movement of the spine and hip away from the stimuli. Therefore during the birthing process, contractions stimulate this reflex to help the baby move through the birth canal. The Spinal Galant Reflex develops around 20 weeks in utero.
The Spinal Galant Reflex should be integrated - not present - by around six months of age.
Some potential symptoms with a retained Spinal Galant Reflex in infants and children are:
Now that you know a little more about the 6 Primitive Reflexes that are typically addressed in Occupational Therapy, let’s dive into a few ideas that you can use right away!
If you are concerned that your child might have one or more retained Primitive Reflex, try these exercises, games, and activities. You can implement these into your daily routine, into playtime, and so much more!
We are all born with primitive reflexes and they should, ideally, naturally integrate in order to promote higher level learning and motor development. Sometimes, they don’t. And this can potentially cause problems for children.
If you suspect that your child may have retained primitive reflexes, use the ideas provided here. Additionally, talk with your pediatrician and seek out an Occupational Therapist who is trained in primitive reflex integration. Advocate for your child’s development! It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.
Be sure to check out our Primitive Reflexes digital course on!
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March 19, 2025
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