Creating and Implementing Sensory Diet Routines to Improve Daily Activities

Creating and Implementing Sensory Diet Routines to Improve Daily Activities

Learn how to create and implement customized sensory diet routines and unique sensory activities to help your client or child improve mood, behavior, daily functioning skills, learning, and overall quality of life!

Learn how to create and implement customized sensory diet routines and unique sensory activities to help your client or child improve mood, behavior, daily functioning skills, learning, and overall quality of life!

Laura E. | Occupational Therapist

“The course has help increase my confidence in the area of sensory regulation and having that confidence shows in my job performance every day.”

Provides continuing education hours approved by AOTA for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants
This course is approved for .55 AOTA CEUs or 5.5 contact hours

Taught by Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants with advanced training in Sensory Processing Disorder

9 Modules of training

5.5 Hours of video lessons

30+ Instructional digital PDFs included

Comprehensive overview of the 8 sensory systems

Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and and the functional impact on daily activities

Learning how to identify sensory preferences, understanding the sensory threshold

What a sensory diet is and how to create, implement and customize to a client or child’s specific sensory needs

How emotional intelligence relates to sensory diet success

Descriptions and video visual demonstrations for a variety of product & non-product based sensory activities

Entire video sensory toolbox - a variety of sensory activities within each sensory system and how to sequence an effective sensory diet

Best times and when to use a sensory diet

How to use visuals to improve sensory needs and understanding

Sensory diets for specific scenarios: mealtime, transitions, bedtime, classroom situations, and more

Pre-made, ready to go sensory checklists, sensory diet activity cards, and sensory diet templates

100+ Page physical spiral workbook included

This course is approved for .55 AOTA CEUs or 5.5 Contact Hours (see continuing education section below for more information)

See Course Summary
Designed for parents, educators and therapists looking to thoroughly and comprehensively expand their knowledge on sensory processing challenges. Learn to incorporate customized sensory activities into the daily routine to improve their client or child’s daily functioning skills and quality of life

Taught by Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants with advanced training in Sensory Processing Disorder

9 Modules of training

5.5 Hours of video lessons

30+ Instructional digital PDFs included

Comprehensive overview of the 8 sensory systems

Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and and the functional impact on daily activities

Learning how to identify sensory preferences, understanding the sensory threshold

What a sensory diet is and how to create, implement and customize to a client or child’s specific sensory needs

How emotional intelligence relates to sensory diet success

Descriptions and video visual demonstrations for a variety of product & non-product based sensory activities

Entire video sensory toolbox - a variety of sensory activities within each sensory system and how to sequence an effective sensory diet

Best times and when to use a sensory diet

How to use visuals to improve sensory needs and understanding

Sensory diets for specific scenarios: mealtime, transitions, bedtime, classroom situations, and more

Pre-made, ready to go sensory checklists, sensory diet activity cards, and sensory diet templates

100+ Page physical spiral workbook included

This course is approved for .55 AOTA CEUs or 5.5 Contact Hours (see continuing education section below for more information)

See Course Summary
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Do You Have A Child With Sensory Challenges At Home?

1 IN 6 CHILDREN HAVE SENSORY PROCESSING Challenges and sensory symptoms that interfere with everyday functioning and learning

Sensory processing challenges are becoming more and more common. When a child is struggling to process sensory input in their environment, it will oftentimes lead to sensory overload, reactive behavior, and poor focus.

The good news is that there is a way to help improve sensory processing!

This is where sensory diets come in!

What Exactly Is A Sensory Diet?


Sensory diets don’t refer to your typical health food diets.

But, just like a balanced food diet to keep our bodies fit and healthy, everyone also needs a balanced amount of sensory input each day to allow them to function their best.

Sensory diets are sensory-based activities that are tailored to your child so they receive the specific sensory input they need. The idea is to get the body and brain into a “just right” state of arousal.

This sensory input can be anything from lighting to the feeling of clothes to even sounds!

Everyone processes sensory input differently, but some children struggle more than others to process the messages from inside their body and the external environment, which can lead to behavior reactions, like lack of focus, poor moods, and struggling to learn.

Could My Child Benefit From A Sensory Diet?

Sensory Diets work great for children with sensory challenges. Often times, these challenges show up in these behaviors:

Reactions to Harsh,
Bright Lighting

Irritation From Certain Fabrics They Wear

Debilitation From Loud or Unpleasant Sounds

Struggling to Sit Still in the Classroom

Challenges with Self-Regulation

Who Is This Training Designed For?

While our Sensory Diets are created by occupational therapy assistants and work great for therapists, we make sure our videos, explanations, and handouts are useful for anyone helping to raise a sensory kiddo!


Expecting, new, or seasoned!


Anyone with an infant or toddler in their life, aunts/uncles,
grandparents, daycare
providers, foster
parents, etc.

Therapists &

Those who work with
children in the schools,
clinics, and other

Increased my confidence

“I took the sensory diet digital course and loved it! The resources/handouts are great to have. I use them frequently with my kiddos and their parents. The course has helped increase my confidence in the area of sensory regulation and having that confidence shows in my job performance every day.

Laura E.
Pediatric Occupational Therapist

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Meet Your Instructors

Learn from two passionate CertifieD Occupational Therapy Assistants

We are two very passionate Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants who specialize in Sensory Integration and Primitive Reflex Integration.

After over 10 years of working with children in outpatient settings, we realized we wanted to bring our expertise to more families and therapists. With this mission in mind, we started the All Things Sensory Podcast, and have been creating in-depth trainings to help children with sensory challenges and retained primitive reflexes.

Our goal is to empower and educate families, caregivers, therapists, and educators to ultimately create strong, confident children!

We are so excited to have you join us!

Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialists

Our passion FOR primitive reflexes

We became Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialists (CPRCS) in 2023, although we have over 10 years of experience.

We have the expertise, team and resources to bring this information to you in a way that makes sense. We can’t wait to hear your success stories after taking this course and putting it into action. This course combines our 9+ years of experience in occupational therapy plus hours of continuing education to make it, in our opinions, one of the best resources for sensory processing and integration.

Rachel Harrington, COTA/L, CPRCS

Jessica Hill, COTA/L, CPRCS

Rachel Harrington


Rachel is a Pediatric Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant who is dedicated to helping children with different abilities feel confident in their own skin. She holds her Autism Certificate, and is continuing her education in Handwriting Without Tears, Primitive Reflex Integration, Sensory Integration, and more! Rachel lives in Boise, Idaho with her husband, two young children, and dog, and can be found outside hiking, playing games, and not taking life too seriously!
Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill


Jessica is a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant who specializes in Pediatrics. She is passionate about helping children become healthy, happy, and confident members of society. She has training and experience in Primitive Reflex Integration, Sensory Integration, feeding, and parent training. Jessica and her son live in Boise, Idaho with their two crazy cats and enjoy hiking, swimming, and traveling!

Here’s What You Get


THIS DIGITAL COURSE IS A 9 MODULE TRAINING WITH 5.5 HOURS of video, AND 5.5 contact hours / .55 AOTA CEUs (PLUS BONUSES!), ALONG WITH CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS and functional strategies to implement into your practice immediately to assist a child in meeting their sensory threshold


What is Sensory Processing?

Learn all about the body’s 8 sensory systems (Yes, 8!). Understand what Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is and and how it impacts daily functioning. We’ll cover what it means and why it’s so important to ‘put your sensory goggles on’.

What is a Sensory Diet?

Defining what a ‘sensory diet’ is, identifying if your client or child could benefit from a sensory diet, and if they need a personalized sensory diet for different situations throughout the day.

Sensory Preferences + Emotional Intelligence

Learning how to identify sensory preferences with ready to go checklists, understanding the sensory threshold, and explaining how emotional intelligence relates to sensory diet success.

Sensory Activity Toolbox

Descriptions, video visual demonstrations, and premade activity cards for a variety of product & non-product based sensory activities that you can include into your client’s or child’s sensory diet based on their unique needs (plus a quick dive into social stories!).

When to Use a Sensory Diet

Diving into the specific challenges that your client or child may be facing in certain daily scenarios or specific times of the day. We cover if a sensory diet can help during those crucial moments.

Using Visuals

Understanding why visuals are so important to use to help your client or child understand their sensory needs & activities. We provide you with a variety of ideas and options to incorporate into your client’s or child’s sensory diet (includes video demonstrations).

Put it Together!

A quick review of what you’ve learned and a step-by-step guide on how to put everything you’ve learned together into a great sensory diet for your client’s or child’s sensory needs.

Sensory Diets for Different Situations

Some specific examples of sensory diets, activities and ideas that are most beneficial for successful morning routines, bedtimes, transitions, situations in the classroom, and much more!

Extra Ideas, Modifications, and Adult Sensory Diets!

Providing you with some simple tips and tricks to make your client’s or child’s sensory diet effective, goal writing ideas for therapists, plus some sensory diet activities for your own sensory diet.

Additional Resources

A library of research articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, and more! Use these resources to help continue your sensory diet journey.

Physical Workbook Included

100+ Pages Of incredible course content

All of our PDFs printed and organized in a workbook that includes sensory preferences checklists, premade sensory diet templates, the sensory diet activity toolbox, and cut out activity cards of exercises and strategies for sensory and emotional regulation. Everything you need in one place to reference quickly and efficiently!

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this COURSE, participants should be able to:

List functional strategies to assist a child in meeting their sensory threshold.
State 5 treatment interventions to support a child that is under-responsive to auditory input.
Identify 3 strategies for successfully carrying over a sensory diet in various environments.
Identify the connection between emotional intelligence and sensory regulation as it pertains to daily occupational performance.
List the benefits of various visual supports as it relates to creating sensory diets.

Creating and Implementing Sensory Diet Routines to Improve Daily Activities

Distant Learning- Independent

Creating an evidence-based sensory diet can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. This 5.5-hour, self-paced course outlines what sensory processing disorder is, how to create a sensory diet based on a child’s unique sensory preferences, and gives you a variety of templates and treatment intervention strategies to implement into your practice immediately. The presenters provide visual demonstrations of activity ideas and their direct response on the nervous system so can learn exactly what your clients behaviors are communicating to you.

PD Provider Name and Contact Information:

Harkla Co



Rachel Harrington, COTA/L, AC, CPRCS

Jessica Hill, COTA/L, CPRCS

Target Audience:

Introductory-intermediate-level OTs, COTAs, PTs, PTAs, and other professionals working with children with developmental delays

Note: While many professionals may benefit from the course content, we can only guarantee acceptance of continuing education by AOTA.

AOTA Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Contact Hours:

5.5 contact hours / .55 AOTA CEUs

Time Ordered Agenda: View Here

Educational Level:



Financial: Rachel Harrington and Jessica Hill are employees of Harkla Co. and podcast hosts of All Things Sensory, by Harkla.

Non-Financial: No relevant non financial relationship exists.

Registration Information, Including Special Needs Requests:

Harkla will make accommodations following the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require specific accommodations because of a disability, please email prior to beginning the course to make appropriate arrangements. Requests may also be made by calling Harkla at 1-844-939-2122 Login to your account on to access your course materials, video lessons, post-test, and course evaluation.

PD Activity Completion Requirements:

Record of purchase (recorded automatically by our system and checked when accessing the post-test)

Successful completion of the post-test (≥ 80%)

Attestation statement verifying the learner viewed the webinar in its entirety and completed the post-test independently (included on post-test)

Cancellation Policies:

Canceled By Harkla: This course is not presented live, therefore will not be canceled by Harkla at any time. If you are experiencing technical difficulties with accessing your course materials, please contact Harkla:
Harkla’s Happiness Guarantee provides full refunds if you are not satisfied with your purchase. Contact support for assistance.

Canceled By Participants: Participants may cancel their purchase at any time before beginning the course and will receive a full refund. Please contact customer service for assistance:

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Already making a difference

“Not only is the course easy to follow, the information is extremely helpful and already making a difference with our kiddos.”


Why Families & Therapists Love This Course

Why Families & Therapists Love This Course

Improve Life By
Creating A Sensory Diet

If your client or child has sensory issues, crafting a sensory diet for their specific needs could lead to improved:

  • Focus in the Classroom
  • Self-Regulation
  • Calmer Moods
  • Social Skills

Makes Learning Fun!

We believe that learning is more impactful when it’s fun! This course provides you with the tools to implement new activities & exercises in a positive way to engage your client or child.

Understanding The ‘Why’

We’re not here to diagnose or put a band-aid on a “problem”. Just straight forward information as to WHY your client or child may be struggling and engaging, actionable exercises that will help.

No More Guessing

With video demonstrations and clear descriptions, we take the guesswork out of helping you and your client or child experience success. We want to make this as easy as possible for you.


Creating and Implementing Sensory Diet Routines to Improve Daily Activities

Learn how to create and implement customized sensory diet routines and unique sensory activities to help your client or child improve mood, behavior, daily functioning skills, learning, and overall quality of life!


Lifetime Guarantee Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

How Is This Course Administered?

This course is administered via online videos and worksheet downloads that you be able to access through once you have purchased!

What Is The Refund Policy For This Course?

Like all Harkla products, this falls under our lifetime guarantee. This basically means that if at any time you aren’t satisfied with the course, we’ll refund you right away.

Will I Have Access To The Instructors For The Course?

We offer the ability to book a time slot with the instructors for an extra fee, but you are able to comment within courses and get answers to those comments as you go from the instructors.

We also are very responsive on customer support and social media to connect with our community.

How Do I Know If My Child Needs A Sensory Diet?

Every child can benefit from a sensory diet BUT if your child struggles to get through their daily tasks successfully (i.e. dressing, mealtimes, school, social interactions, etc.), then they will definitely benefit from a personalized sensory diet.

Is This Course Helpful For Neurotypical Children Or Those Without SPD?

Yes, without a doubt! Everyone has a sensory system and sensory preferences despite a formal diagnosis. Every child and adult can benefit from incorporating sensory activities into their daily routine!

What If I Don’t Have Sensory Stuff At My House?

Not a problem! We share plenty of activities that require only household items!

How Long Do I Have To Give My Child A Sensory Diet?

Ideally, everyday! The activities will change as the child grows and their sensory system learns to modulate input more efficiently. But we all participate in sensory diets of our own- chewing gum, drinking coffee, tapping our pencil, wiggling our feet, working out, etc. those activities help us attend and focus throughout the day!

Is This Course Helpful For Therapists?

Yes! We share a ton of printables and resources for you to use with your clients! We wish we had this course when we started out!

How Do I Get My Certification for CEUs?

In order to earn your AOTA CEU certificate you must complete the course evaluation and pass the post-test with 80% accuracy. Then you'll be able to download and print your certificate for continuing education!

What Exactly is the Digital Course Workbook?

Our AOTA-approved digital courses come with a physical workbook - all the digital course PDFs made into a beautifully printed book that we will ship to you. It is the digital course in physical form! You can use our workbooks for quickly referencing and photocopying when needed.

The physical workbook is available separately. If you do not need the CEUs, you can purchase another course option and add the workbook at checkout! Please note that you will have the option to add the workbook after you enter payment information.

The workbooks are only available to those who have purchased the corresponding digital course.

Digital Course Workbooks ship worldwide and take about two weeks for delivery due to processing time.

Our Lifetime Guarantee


We don't mess around with our commitment. Unless you are 100% satisfied, we aren't satisfied either. We're a company that truly cares about you and will answer any question or concerns you have.

This means that if you are not absolutely happy with your product, we will not only refund you without question, we will cover the return shipping. There's no reason you should pay for a product you aren't happy with.

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Giving Back On Our Sales

1% of all Sales are donated to GAME CHANGERS Idaho

At Harkla, our goal is to help those with special needs live happy and healthy lives. To continue our mission and to support the sensory community, we donate 1% of every sale to Game Changers Idaho. Game Changers Idaho provides year-round inclusive sports leagues to give children of all abilities the opportunity to learn, grow & create friendships through sports. Learn more about Game Changers Idaho here.

“Game Changers Idaho strives to make an impact benefiting over 400 children with special needs in the grades of K-12 by providing adaptive sports year around in the Treasure Valley. All sports programs (7) are free to all of our families as we seek funding from the community. Harkla has been one of our most dedicated [sponsors], allowing hundreds of children play sports to their best ability! We are so appreciative of Harkla’s support.”

Gabriel Moreno
Executive Director
Game Changers Idaho

Customer Reviews

Based on 57 reviews
June O.
June Osborne COTA/L

This is an effective tool to use in school settings!

Ari D.
We have more than 5 sense

Enjoyed learning about the 3 sense we don't learn in preschool. It was great to understand and learn about the vestibular, proprioception and interoception sensory difficulties people could be experiencing and how to understand symptoms of over and under responsiveness. Love all the able print outs as well!

Patrick W.
Creating and Implementing Sensory Processing Diet

The training was fantastic. I love the handouts, slides, pictures and the videos for all learning styles. The full course book with the cards and all the tools are fantastic. You make the training so easy to follow, listen and implement into our settings. Thank you

Dottie P.
Sensory Diet Course Review

This was a great course, it has enabled me to show parents some things they can do at home to help their child with sensory issues.

Teri S.

Sensory Diet Digital Course - Master

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