Improving Focus & Behavior in the Classroom:
Implementing Sensory Strategies that Work for All Students

Improving Focus & Behavior in the Classroom: Implementing Sensory Strategies that Work for All Students

Learn exactly how to implement functional therapeutic sensory strategies in the classroom to help your student(s) improve focus, mood, behavior, daily functioning skills, learning, and overall quality of life!

Learn exactly how to implement functional therapeutic sensory strategies in the classroom to help your student(s) improve focus, mood, behavior, daily functioning skills, learning, and overall quality of life!

Kassy Packer, School-Based ABA Therapist

“If you are a teacher or a professional working with children within the classroom this course is a must. You will leave with more ideas than you ever imagined and the confidence to make your classroom sensory-friendly for all students, not just those with specific sensory difficulties.”

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Designed for educators, therapists and homeschooling parents looking to thoroughly and comprehensively expand their knowledge on sensory processing and how sensory affects student(s) learning and lives. Gain the knowledge and understanding of sensory processing challenges, sensory strategies for the whole classroom and individual student needs, primitive reflex integration, and executive functioning. Provides continuing education hours approved by AOTA for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants
This course is approved for 1.2 AOTA CEUs or 12.0 contract hours

Taught by Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants with advanced training in Sensory Processing Disorder, Child Development, and Primitive Reflex Integration

15 Modules of training

12 Hours of video lessons

50+ Instructional digital PDFs included

Comprehensive overview of the 8 sensory systems

Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and the functional impact on learning

Entire video sensory toolbox - a variety of functional product and non-product based sensory activities within each sensory system that assist with sensory processing needs for all students

How to implement sensory breaks into the daily classroom routine to improve focus and attention and meet student(s) sensory needs

Comprehensive overview of 6 primitive reflexes and their impact on student(s) learning and daily lives

Functional integration classroom activities to promote natural reflex integration

Review foundational and advanced executive functioning skills like emotional regulation, attention and organization

Understand the difference between sensory challenges vs. behavioral challenges and learn strategies to help with both

Learn how to talk and communicate effectively with sensory students and those with sensory processing challenges

Implement classroom accommodations for specific scenarios

Learn exactly what to include in your classroom for a sensory friendly classroom for ALL students’ needs

Review transitions and sensory strategies and tips to use before, during and after them

Understanding strategies for your classroom to help with biological needs, distractions, task avoidance, multi-sensory learning, redirection, aggression, virtual learning, and Social Emotional Learning

Sensory strategies for PE and other electives/specials

Tips and strategies for therapeutic practice in the school setting

Case studies with example classroom situations and what strategies can be utilized

How to implement regulation strategies for YOU as the educator or teacher

200+ Page physical spiral workbook included

This course is approved for 1.2 AOTA CEUs or 12.0 Contact Hours (see continuing education section below for more information)

See Course Summary

Why Is Understanding Sensory Challenges Essential to Every Student's Success?



With the rates of Sensory Processing Disorder and Retained Primitive Reflexes rising, we are seeing more and more school-aged children struggling in school and in their daily activities. General sensory difficulties can inhibit their learning, behavior, mood, and quality of life.

There is often a gap in understanding how sensory processing affects a student’s ability to be happily engaged in their classwork and create important social connections with their peers. AND a gap in understanding HOW to implement sensory strategies for the entire classroom and for individual students!

Studies show that implementation of sensory activities in the classroom can promote overall sensory, motor, and educational development, which lays the vital foundation for future learning, healthy social lives, and motor skills development.

You’ll gain the knowledge and understanding of sensory processing challenges, sensory strategies for the whole classroom and individual student needs, primitive reflex integration, and executive functioning to support your student(s) or client’s development.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

Sensory Processing Disorder is when a person struggles with sensory input, like clothing, lighting, or sounds, to the point that it negatively affects their day-to-day activities.

Sensory Processing Disorder is when sensory needs severely impact daily functioning on a consistent basis. When a child can’t process the messages from the sensory world, they struggle with daily tasks. This includes daily tasks like bathing, using the bathroom, mealtime, self-feeding, dressing and transitions between tasks. It also impacts a child’s ability to learn in school and interact in social situations.

Working with your student(s) with different sensory activities can help them develop a healthy sensory system, which can potentially avoid the detrimental challenges that come with sensory processing disorder.

What Are Retained Primitive Reflexes?

We are all born with primitive reflexes! Developed in the womb, these involuntary movement patterns help newborns stay safe in the brand new, scary world they are experiencing!

These primitive reflexes do not stay forever; they should ‘integrate’, go away or mature, some around 12 months of age, some closer to two or three years old. When a primitive reflex integrates, it makes way for new, more mature movement patterns and higher-level learning to develop.

Oftentimes children don’t get the motor activities they need in order for reflexes to integrate. When primitive reflexes aren’t naturally integrated, they become ‘retained’, leading to anxiety, poor social skills, struggles in school, and more! Development may be hindered, and the infant may not gain higher-level skills.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder?
What Are Retained Primitive Reflexes?

What Happens When Sensory Challenges Go Unaddressed?

Students who are struggling with processing sensory input will have a harder time:

Sitting Still During Class

Focusing on Assignments

Self-Regulating Behavior

Social Skills with Classmates

Who Is This Training Designed For?


Preschool, elementary, middle, and high school educators.


Therapists working in the school setting.

Other Professionals

Those who work with children within the school setting, such as paraeducators.

This course is GOLD

“As an OT working in the schools, this course is GOLD for both therapists (OT, SLP, PT) and educators! Rachel and Jessica provide the WHY behind classroom behaviors and simple strategies to implement right away! They simplify complex concepts such as sensory processing difficulties and primitive reflexes. Since taking the course, I find myself sharing the resources with teachers and parents daily. 10/10 recommend!”

Shelly Donnelly, School-Based Occupational Therapist

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Meet Your Instructors

Learn from two passionate CertifieD Occupational Therapy Assistants

We are two very passionate Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants who specialize in Sensory Integration and Primitive Reflex Integration.

After over 10 years of working with children in outpatient settings, we realized we wanted to bring our expertise to more families and therapists. With this mission in mind, we started the All Things Sensory Podcast, and have been creating in-depth trainings to help children with sensory challenges and retained primitive reflexes.

Our goal is to empower and educate families, caregivers, therapists, and educators to ultimately create strong, confident children!

We are so excited to have you join us!

Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialists

Our passion FOR primitive reflexes

We became Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialists (CPRCS) in 2023, although we have over 9 years of experience.

We have the expertise, team and resources to bring this information to you in a way that makes sense. We can’t wait to hear your success stories after taking this course and putting it into action. This course combines our 9+ years of experience in occupational therapy plus hours of continuing education to make it, in our opinions, one of the best resources for sensory processing, development and integration for infants and toddlers.

Rachel Harrington, COTA/L, CPRCS

Jessica Hill, COTA/L, CPRCS

Rachel Harrington


Rachel is a Pediatric Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant who is dedicated to helping children with different abilities feel confident in their own skin. She holds her Autism Certificate, and is continuing her education in Handwriting Without Tears, Primitive Reflex Integration, Sensory Integration, and more! Rachel lives in Boise, Idaho with her husband, two young children, and dog, and can be found outside hiking, playing games, and not taking life too seriously!

Here’s What You Get




Sensory Processing in the Classroom

Comprehensive overview about the Pyramid of Learning, sensory processing, Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and the subtypes of SPD. Review the 8 sensory systems and their impact on student learning and development.

Sensory in the Classroom Activity Toolbox

Sensory-based activity ideas and demonstrations that assist with sensory processing needs for all students. We walk you through product and non-product sensory based activities for every sensory system!

Sensory Breaks

Learn all about what they are, why they are important and how to easily implement them into your classroom daily routine for the whole class and for specific students with certain sensory needs. We also include sensory break activity cards to use with easy to use templates!

Primitive Reflexes

Understand what primitive reflexes are, why they are essential for childhood development, what happens when they are not integrated, and how retained primitive reflexes impact learning & development in the classroom.

Primitive Reflex Strategies for the Classroom

Learn accommodations and strategies for students who exhibit challenges related to retained primitive reflexes and utilize a toolbox of primitive reflex integration activities, breaks and routines to implement into the classroom.

Executive Functioning

Learn all about executive functioning skills; foundational and advanced executive functioning skills like emotional regulation, attention and organization and why we need to understand these skills in order to help our students succeed.

Sensory vs Behavior

Deeply understand the difference between sensory challenges vs. behavioral challenges and learn strategies to help with both. We’ll help you evaluate if a student is simply acting out, or if they are struggling with specific sensory challenges in the classroom.

Communicating Effectively with Students

The way we talk to a sensory student may be different than the way we talk to a neurotypical student. Learn how to talk and communicate effectively with sensory students and those with sensory processing challenges.

Classroom Accommodations

Implement classroom accommodations for specific scenarios to facilitate a calm body, improving focus and attention, and general accommodations for a successful sensory classroom for all students.

Building a Sensory Friendly Classroom

You may need to switch some things up to make your classroom more sensory friendly for everyone to thrive! Learn exactly what to include in your classroom for a sensory friendly classroom for ALL students’ needs and for all 8 sensory systems.


Why are transitions so hard for children and what can we do about it? Learn all about common transitions in the classroom and sensory strategies and tips to implement in the classroom before, during and after transitions occur to make them as seamless as possible for your student(s).

Strategies for the Classroom

Learn some important tips, tricks, and strategies to help your classroom! Understanding strategies for your classroom to help with biological needs, distractions, task avoidance, multi-sensory learning, redirection, aggression, virtual learning, and Social Emotional Learning.

Strategies for PE and Electives/Specials

So much of a sensory student’s needs are physical, it’s important to make sure Physical Education is accommodating to sensory students! We provide tips and ideas for seamlessly integrating sensory strategies into P.E. and other electives/specials.

Therapeutic Practice in the School Setting

This module is specifically designed to support OT practitioners in the school setting. Learn how to best support your students and teachers on their sensory journey. This module includes treatment planning, tips for teletherapy, and resources for IEPs and goal writing.

Case Studies

Seeing things in action really helps information stick. This is why we include a bonus case study to help you see these strategies in action! We include case studies with specific example classroom situations and what strategies can be utilized to solve them.

Regulation Strategies for You!

As educators it’s common to put students’ needs above your own, but it’s hard to pour from an empty glass! This module encourages educators to meet their sensory needs first, provides you strategies how exactly to do that, and tips on how to avoid burnout!

Physical Workbook Included


All of our PDFs printed and organized in a workbook that includes checklists, sensory activity toolbox activities, primitive reflex integration activities, sensory activity cards with templates, and pictures of all of our sensory exercises and strategies. Everything you need in one place to reference quickly and efficiently!

Learning Outcomes


Identify 3 areas of sensory over-responsivity that can potentially affect a student’s ability to successfully complete academic tasks
State 2 regulation strategies that students can use in the classroom in order to improve focus during classwork.
List 4 accommodations that can be utilized in the classroom setting to support students who are exhibiting academic challenges related to retained primitive reflexes.
Identify 2 areas of executive functioning that impact a student’s ability to complete school related tasks.
State 3 tools that professionals can implement when working with a student who struggles with aggression in the classroom.
List 4 signs that a student is struggling with sensory processing as it relates to academic tasks, and list 1 strategy/accommodation for each.
Identify 3 ways that professionals can create sensory friendly, inclusive classrooms to support their students’ academic success.

Improving Focus & Behavior in the Classroom:
Implementing Sensory Strategies that Work for All Students

Distant Learning- Independent

This professional development course provides educators, occupational therapists, and other pediatric professionals with comprehensive strategies to integrate sensory processing, primitive reflex, and executive functioning interventions into the classroom setting. This course is designed to improve student engagement, focus, and overall academic performance through the implementation of sensory-friendly practices. Participants will gain an in-depth understanding of sensory processing and its impact on student behavior and learning, as well as resources for improving primitive reflex integration and executive functioning skills. The course covers a range of topics, including identifying sensory processing challenges, designing sensory-friendly classroom spaces, and developing individualized sensory strategies for students through the use of video demonstrations, digital downloads and video lessons. Practical, hands-on activities and case studies are used to illustrate effective sensory strategies that can be seamlessly incorporated into daily classroom routines for K-12 students.

PD Provider Name and
Contact Information:

Harkla Co



Rachel Harrington, COTA/L, CPRCS

Jessica Hill, COTA/L, CPRCS

Target Audience:

Introductory-intermediate-level OTs, COTAs, educators, and other pediatric professionals

Note: While many professionals may benefit from the course content, we can only guarantee acceptance of continuing education by AOTA.

AOTA Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Contact Hours:

12.0 contact hours / 1.2 AOTA CEUs

Time Ordered Agenda: View Here

Educational Level:



Financial: Rachel Harrington and Jessica Hill are employees of Harkla Co. and podcast hosts of All Things Sensory, by Harkla.

Non-Financial: No relevant non financial relationship exists.

Registration Information, Including Special Needs Requests:

Harkla will make accommodations following the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require specific accommodations because of a disability, please email prior to beginning the course to make appropriate arrangements. Requests may also be made by calling Harkla at 1-844-939-2122 Login to your account on to access your course materials, video lessons, post-test, and course evaluation.

PD Activity Completion Requirements:

Record of purchase (recorded automatically by our system and checked when accessing the post-test)

Successful completion of the post-test (≥ 80%)

Attestation statement verifying the learner viewed the webinar in its entirety and completed the post-test independently (included on post-test)

Cancellation Policies:

Canceled By Harkla: This course is not presented live, therefore will not be canceled by Harkla at any time. If you are experiencing technical difficulties with accessing your course materials, please contact Harkla: Harkla’s Happiness Guarantee provides full refunds if you are not satisfied with your purchase. Contact support for assistance.

Canceled By Participants: Participants may cancel their purchase at any time before beginning the course and will receive a full refund. Please contact customer service for assistance:

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Easy to implement immediately!

“This course is amazing! Rachel and Jessica do an amazing job of explaining sensory processing so it’s easy for everyone to understand. Then they provide practical strategies that are easy to implement immediately!”

Jamie Boxer,
School-Based Speech-Language Pathologist

Why Educators & Therapists Love This Course

Why Educators & Therapists Love This Course

Improve Student Outcomes By Addressing Sensory Challenges

You might have students in your classroom who struggle with sensory processing without knowing it! By providing sensory strategies to the entire class, it will help every student:

  • Focus on Tasks
  • Increasing Time in Seat
  • Better Social Skills with Classmates
  • Better Mood and Behavior

Makes Learning Fun!

We believe that learning is more impactful when it’s fun! This course provides you with the tools to implement new activities & strategies in a positive way to engage your students.

Understanding The ‘Why’

We’re not here to diagnose or put a band-aid on a “problem”. Just straight forward information as to WHY your students may be struggling and engaging, actionable strategies that will help.

No More Guessing

With video demonstrations and clear descriptions, we take the guesswork out of helping you and your students experience success. We want to make this as easy as possible for you, the students, and their parents.


Improving Focus & Behavior in the Classroom:
Implementing Sensory Strategies that Work for All Students

Learn exactly how to implement functional therapeutic sensory strategies in the classroom to help your student(s) improve focus, mood, behavior, daily functioning skills, learning, and overall quality of life!

$125.00 per license
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Lifetime Guarantee Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

Can We Buy Multiple Licenses For Our School District?

Yes, absolutely! We offer bulk discounting for any purchase of 5 or more licenses. Please click here to access the form for submitting a quote! Or you can email to get a quote as well.

How Long Does A License Last For?

A license to the course lasts for 1 year from the time of purchase. We offer a discounted price for subscription renewals. Please reach out to for more information!

How Is This Course Administered?

This course is administered via online videos and worksheet downloads that you are able to access through once you have purchased!

What Is The Refund Policy For This Course?

Like all Harkla products, this falls under our lifetime guarantee. This basically means that if at any time you aren’t satisfied with the course, we’ll refund you right away.

Will I Have Access To The Instructors For The Course?

We offer the ability to book a time slot with the instructors for an extra fee, but you are able to comment within courses and get answers to those comments as you go from the instructors.

We also are very responsive on customer support and social media to connect with our community.

Is This Course Beneficial For Students Without Disabilities?

Yes! We designed this course with every student in mind, because everyone has a sensory system and can benefit from incorporating sensory-based learning strategies in the classroom! When we provide an inclusive environment that fosters multi-sensory learning, students retain more information and can focus better during instruction.

Can Parents Take This Course?

Although this course was designed for therapists and educators, there are a plethora of resources beneficial for parents as well! Especially for those parents homeschooling their children.

Is This Course Research-Based?

Yes! We include the evidence-based articles we used to create this course, as well as the research we use as pediatric occupational therapy assistants that support our treatment interventions. You can find the resources and references in the last module of this course.

How Long is This Course?

Approximately 12 hours that you can go through and revisit at your own pace!

What Age Range Is This Course Best Suited For?

Preschool through High School aged students.

How Do I Get My Certification For CEUs?

In order to earn your AOTA CEU certificate you must complete the course evaluation and pass the post-test with 80% accuracy. Then you'll be able to download and print your certificate for continuing education!

Is There A Payment Plan For The Course?

Yes! If you select Shop Pay or PayPal while checking out, you will have the option to select a pay over time plan. If you need any help with this, please reach out to us:

What Exactly is the Digital Course Workbook?

Our AOTA-approved digital courses come with a physical workbook - all the digital course PDFs made into a beautifully printed book that we will ship to you. It is the digital course in physical form! You can use our workbooks for quickly referencing and photocopying when needed.

Digital Course Workbooks ship worldwide and take about two weeks for delivery due to processing time

Our Lifetime Guarantee


We don't mess around with our commitment. Unless you are 100% satisfied, we aren't satisfied either. We're a company that truly cares about you and will answer any question or concerns you have.

This means that if you are not absolutely happy with your product, we will not only refund you without question, we will cover the return shipping. There's no reason you should pay for a product you aren't happy with.

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Giving Back On Our Sales

1% of all Sales are donated to GAME CHANGERS Idaho

At Harkla, our goal is to help those with special needs live happy and healthy lives. To continue our mission and to support the sensory community, we donate 1% of every sale to Game Changers Idaho. Game Changers Idaho provides year-round inclusive sports leagues to give children of all abilities the opportunity to learn, grow & create friendships through sports. Learn more about Game Changers Idaho here.

“Game Changers Idaho strives to make an impact benefiting over 400 children with special needs in the grades of K-12 by providing adaptive sports year around in the Treasure Valley. All sports programs (7) are free to all of our families as we seek funding from the community. Harkla has been one of our most dedicated [sponsors], allowing hundreds of children play sports to their best ability! We are so appreciative of Harkla’s support.”

Gabriel Moreno
Executive Director
Game Changers Idaho

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