Early Intervention Blueprint: Sensory and Developmental Milestones for Infants and Toddlers

Early Intervention Blueprint: Sensory and Developmental Milestones for Infants and Toddlers

Learn how to give your client or child the best start on their motor & sensory development and gain the knowledge and understanding for hitting developmental milestones, sensory processing, and primitive reflex integration!

Learn how to give your client or child the best start on their motor & sensory development and gain the knowledge and understanding for hitting developmental milestones, sensory processing, and primitive reflex integration!

Shelly D.| Occupational Therapist

“This course is so much more than sensory development! Rachel and Jessica cover all milestone development (gross motor, fine motor , visual motor) in addition to prevalent topics such as TOTs, plagiocephaly & torticollis. The reflex integration section is super comprehensive and a vastly overlooked part of infant development. This information needs to be out to the masses as we are always preaching as therapists!”

Provides continuing education hours approved by AOTA for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants
This course is approved for 1.1 AOTA CEUs or 11.0 contact hours

Taught by Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants with advanced training in Sensory Processing Disorder, Child Development, and Primitive Reflex Integration

8 Modules of training

11 Hours of video lessons

50+ Instructional digital PDFs included

Learn about development milestone achievement, including gross, fine, and visual motor, oral motor & feeding, speech, and social-emotional

Learn how to identify potential developmental milestone red flags for all age ranges: birth-3 years

Comprehensive overview of the 8 sensory systems

Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and the functional impact on infant and child development

Learn about sensory milestone achievement, for all 8 sensory systems

Learn how to identify potential sensory milestone red flags for all age ranges: birth-3 years

Entire video sensory toolbox - a variety of sensory activities within each sensory system for every age group: birth-3 years that assist with achievement of developmental milestones

Comprehensive overview of 8 primitive reflexes

Functional integration play activities to promote natural reflex integration for all age ranges: birth-3 years

Review common challenges during infancy including Colic, Torticollis, Plagiocephaly, and more

Review best practices for early childhood development from a therapist’s perspective: do’s and don’ts

Learn about infant and toddler daily activity success including sleep, starting solids, potty training, tantrums & meltdowns, and daycare/preschool strategies and routines

Successfully implement and write infant and toddler treatment planning, goals, and HEP with carryover

200+ Page physical spiral workbook included

This course is approved for 1.1 AOTA CEUs or 11.0 Contact Hours (see continuing education section below for more information)

See Course Summary
Designed for parents, educators and therapists looking to give their client or child the best start on building a healthy sensory system and foundation. Gain the knowledge and understanding of hitting developmental milestones, gross, fine motor and sensory milestones, sensory processing, and primitive reflex integration!

Taught by Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants with advanced training in Sensory Processing Disorder, Child Development, and Primitive Reflex Integration

7 Modules of training

10 Hours of video lessons

50+ Instructional digital PDFs included

Learn about development milestone achievement, including gross, fine, and visual motor, oral motor & feeding, speech, and social-emotional

Learn how to identify potential developmental milestone red flags for all age ranges: birth-3 years

Comprehensive overview of the 8 sensory systems

Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and the functional impact on infant and child development

Learn about sensory milestone achievement, for all 8 sensory systems

Learn how to identify potential sensory milestone red flags for all age ranges: birth-3 years

Entire video sensory toolbox - a variety of sensory activities within each sensory system for every age group: birth-3 years that assist with achievement of developmental milestones

Comprehensive overview of 8 primitive reflexes

Functional integration play activities to promote natural reflex integration for all age ranges: birth-3 years

Review common challenges during infancy including Colic, Torticollis, Plagiocephaly, and more

Review best practices for early childhood development from a therapist’s perspective: do’s and don’ts

Learn about infant and toddler daily activity success including sleep, starting solids, potty training, tantrums & meltdowns, and daycare/preschool strategies and routines

Successfully implement and write infant and toddler treatment planning, goals, and HEP with carryover

200+ Page physical spiral workbook included

This course is approved for 1.1 AOTA CEUs or 11.0 Contact Hours (see continuing education section below for more information)

See Course Summary
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Primitive Reflexes

Boost Your Baby’s Motor Skills and Early Brain Development

Let us take the guesswork out of early learning and parenting for you!

In the first year of life, one of the most important things a baby is needing to learn is how to develop and move their body. Learning how to control their bodies feeds information to their brain, which gives them the foundation of all their abilities for the future; learning & cognitive skills, motor & language skills, and social & emotional development.

It’s critical to make sure infants get all different types of sensory input every day. This is so their brains and bodies can learn how to process all of the input as efficiently as possible! Implementing successful sensory processing allows the infant to interact with the environment to the best of their ability.

You’ll gain the confidence that you can support your client or child’s motor skills and give your child or early intervention client the best chance at healthy development!

Why Are Sensory & Motor Development Activities Essential?


With the rates of Sensory Processing Disorder and Retained Primitive Reflexes rising, we are seeing more and more young and elementary-aged students struggling in their daily activities.

Studies show that early implementation of sensory activities can promote overall sensory and motor development in infants and toddlers, which lays the vital foundation for future learning, healthy social lives, and motor skills development.

You’ll gain the knowledge and understanding of developmental milestones, sensory processing, and primitive reflex integration to support your client or child’s development, whether or not you’re noticing they are having challenges.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

Sensory Processing Disorder is when a person struggles with sensory input, like clothing, lighting, or sounds, to the point that it negatively affects their day-to-day activities.

Sensory Processing Disorder is when sensory needs severely impact daily functioning on a consistent basis. When a child can’t process the messages from the sensory world, they struggle with daily tasks. This includes daily tasks like bathing, using the bathroom, mealtime, self-feeding, dressing and transitions between tasks. It also impacts a child’s ability to learn in school and interact in social situations.

Working with your child early on with different sensory activities can help them develop a healthy sensory system, which can potentially avoid the detrimental challenges that come with sensory processing disorder.

What Are Retained Primitive Reflexes?

We are all born with primitive reflexes! Developed in the womb, these involuntary movement patterns help newborns stay safe in the brand new, scary world they are experiencing!

These primitive reflexes do not stay forever; they should ‘integrate’, go away or mature, some around 12 months of age, some closer to two or three years old. When a primitive reflex integrates, it makes way for new, more mature movement patterns and higher-level learning to develop.

Oftentimes children don’t get the motor activities they need in order for reflexes to integrate. When primitive reflexes aren’t naturally integrated, they become ‘retained’, leading to anxiety, poor social skills, struggles in school, and more! Development may be hindered, and the infant may not gain higher-level skills.

What is Sensory Processing Disorder?
What Are Retained Primitive Reflexes?

What Your Child Will Gain From Sensory Rich Activities During Early Development


Improved Motor Skill Development

Increased Emotional Awareness & Regulation

Higher Likelihood Of Hitting Developmental Milestones

A Healthy Foundation For Future Social Skills & Learning Abilities

Who Is This Training Designed For?

Our 2 Course Options were carefully created to meet the specific needs of Parents, Therapists, professionals, and Caregivers


Expecting, new, or seasoned with children from birth to 3 years old.


Any early intervention
therapist will greatly benefit
from this course! OTs,
COTAs, PTs, etc.

Caregivers & Educators

Anyone who works with or has children in their lives birth to 3 years old! Preschool teachers,
daycare providers,
grandparents, etc.


“I highly recommend this course to all pediatric OT practitioners and parents. The course is designed and structured in a way that benefits parents. I found the treatment interventions to integrate primitive reflexes very useful for overall child development.

Treatment interventions will help kids having impairment to live and dwell in their environment alongside other kids. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!”


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Meet Your Instructors

Learn from two passionate CertifieD Occupational Therapy Assistants

We are two very passionate Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants who specialize in Sensory Integration and Primitive Reflex Integration.

After over 10 years of working with children in outpatient settings, we realized we wanted to bring our expertise to more families and therapists. With this mission in mind, we started the All Things Sensory Podcast, and have been creating in-depth trainings to help children with sensory challenges and retained primitive reflexes.

Our goal is to empower and educate families, caregivers, therapists, and educators to ultimately create strong, confident children!

We are so excited to have you join us!

Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialists

Our passion FOR primitive reflexes

We became Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialists (CPRCS) in 2023, although we have over 10 years of experience.

We have the expertise, team and resources to bring this information to you in a way that makes sense. We can’t wait to hear your success stories after taking this course and putting it into action. This course combines our 9+ years of experience in occupational therapy plus hours of continuing education to make it, in our opinions, one of the best resources for sensory processing, development and integration for infants and toddlers.

Rachel Harrington, COTA/L, CPRCS

Jessica Hill, COTA/L, CPRCS

Rachel Harrington


Rachel is a Pediatric Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant who is dedicated to helping children with different abilities feel confident in their own skin. She holds her Autism Certificate, and is continuing her education in Handwriting Without Tears, Primitive Reflex Integration, Sensory Integration, and more! Rachel lives in Boise, Idaho with her husband, two young children, and dog, and can be found outside hiking, playing games, and not taking life too seriously!
Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill


Jessica is a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant who specializes in Pediatrics. She is passionate about helping children become healthy, happy, and confident members of society. She has training and experience in Primitive Reflex Integration, Sensory Integration, feeding, and parent training. Jessica and her son live in Boise, Idaho with their two crazy cats and enjoy hiking, swimming, and traveling!

Here’s What You Get


THIS DIGITAL COURSE IS AN 8 MODULE TRAINING WITH 11 HOURS of video, AND 11 contact hours / 1.1 AOTA CEUs (PLUS BONUSES!), ALONG WITH CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS and functional strategies to implement into your practice immediately to assist a child’S FUNCTION AND DEVELOPMENT in EARLY INTERVENTION


Developmental Milestones

Learn about development milestone achievement, including gross, fine, social, and feeding, and how to talk to your pediatrician about these topics, including suggested questions to ask. We also cover potential red flags to look out for with video demonstrations!

Sensory Processing and Sensory Milestones

Learn all about sensory processing! Review the 8 sensory systems and their impact on infant and child development, as well as learn about sensory milestones and potential red flags.

Sensory Activity Toolbox

Sensory-based activity ideas and demonstrations for children birth to three years old that assist with achievement of developmental milestones. We walk you through a variety of sensory based activities for every age group and every sensory system!

Primitive Reflexes and Functional Integration Activities

Understand what primitive reflexes are, why they are essential for childhood development, what happens when they are not integrated, and evidence-based activities to promote natural reflex integration for children under three.

Common Challenges During Infancy

Review common challenges during infancy, including Colic, Torticollis, Plagiocephaly, Tongue and Lips Ties and Reflux & Colic, and discuss the basics to watch for.

Do’s and Don’ts from a Therapist’s Perspective

As pediatric occupational therapy assistants, we’re sharing our personal do’s and don’ts with your client or child. We also cover physical products we can get on board with and products we can’t as well as the why behind our reasoning.

Daily Activity Success

Learn about infant and toddler daily activity success including; sleep, starting solids, potty training, tantrums & meltdowns, and daycare/preschool strategies and routines. We discuss in depth strategies, techniques and readiness!

Treatment Planning, Goals and More!

A quick review of infant and toddler occupations, setting realistic goals, example goals that can be modified for different ages, examples of simple treatment plans using treatment interventions from Modules 3 and 4, tips to help with family carryover, and provide HEP templates!

Additional Resources

A library of research articles, blog posts, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, and more! Use these resources to help continue your sensory journey with your client or child.

Physical Workbook Included

200+ Pages Of incredible course content

All of our PDFs printed and organized in a workbook that includes checklists, milestone timelines, sensory activity toolbox activities, primitive reflex integration activities and pictures of all of our sensory exercises and strategies. Everything you need in one place to reference quickly and efficiently!

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this COURSE, participants should be able to:

Identify the impact sensory milestones have on functional, daily occupations in the birth to 3 year old population.
State 3 functional intervention activities to improve vestibular, proprioceptive, and tactile processing in early intervention.
List one treatment intervention that promotes gross motor developmental milestones and primitive reflex integration in infancy that will improve overall success during daily occupations.
List two common challenges seen in infancy, i.e. torticollis and how occupational therapists can provide environmental modifications and adaptations to help remediate.
Identify 3 ways to use a therapy ball during occupational therapy sessions to facilitate integration of the sensory system and primitive reflexes.

Early Intervention Blueprint: Sensory and Developmental Milestones for Infants and Toddlers

Distant Learning- Independent

A primary environment for pediatric occupational therapists to work is within the early intervention setting. This 11.0 hour course provides the foundation for pediatric professionals to understand the implication of developmental milestones, sensory processing / modulation and primitive reflex integration on future milestone and functional daily occupations. Learn a variety of intervention strategies to easily implement into practice for children ages birth to 3 to boost development!

PD Provider Name and Contact Information:

Harkla Co




Rachel Harrington, COTA/L, AC, CPRCS

Jessica Hill, COTA/L, CPRCS

Target Audience:

Introductory-intermediate-level OTs, COTAs, PTs, PTAs, and other professionals working with children with developmental delays

Note: While many professionals may benefit from the course content, we can only guarantee acceptance of continuing education by AOTA.

AOTA Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Contact Hours:

11.0 contact hours / 1.1 AOTA CEUs

Time Ordered Agenda: View Here

Educational Level:



Financial: Rachel Harrington and Jessica Hill are employees of Harkla Co. and podcast hosts of All Things Sensory, by Harkla.

Non-Financial: No relevant non financial relationship exists.

Registration Information, Including Special Needs Requests:

Harkla will make accommodations following the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require specific accommodations because of a disability, please email support@harkla.co prior to beginning the course to make appropriate arrangements. Requests may also be made by calling Harkla at 1-844-939-2122 Login to your account on Harkla.co to access your course materials, video lessons, post-test, and course evaluation.

PD Activity Completion Requirements:

Record of purchase (recorded automatically by our system and checked when accessing the post-test)

Successful completion of the post-test (≥ 80%)

Attestation statement verifying the learner viewed the webinar in its entirety and completed the post-test independently (included on post-test)

Cancellation Policies:

Canceled By Harkla: This course is not presented live, therefore will not be canceled by Harkla at any time. If you are experiencing technical difficulties with accessing your course materials, please contact Harkla: support@harkla.co
Harkla’s Happiness Guarantee provides full refunds if you are not satisfied with your purchase. Contact support for assistance.

Canceled By Participants: Participants may cancel their purchase at any time before beginning the course and will receive a full refund. Please contact customer service for assistance: support@harkla.co

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helped me feel empowered as a mommy

“Rachel & Jessica provide an amazing variety of easy to implement activities, most using everyday materials around the house, that have helped me feel empowered as a mommy and confident in my ability to engage my daughter in purposeful play activities to promote healthy sensory and brain development. As an OT and a mommy to an infant who was diagnosed with mild brain damage at birth, I will be referencing this course for years to come.”

ANNIE O. | Mom & Occupational Therapist

Why Parents & Therapists Love This Course

Why Parents & Therapists Love This Course

Increase Your Understanding Of Your Client’s or Child’s Development

Every child has a unique sensory system and will develop at their own pace. However, when you understand sensory processing and motor skill development a little bit better, you can help your client or child:

  • Reach developmental milestones
  • Learn how to self-regulate their emotions in a variety of situations
  • Get ready for future, higher-level learning opportunities and social situations

Makes Learning Fun!

We believe that learning is more impactful when it’s fun! This course provides you with the tools to implement new activities and reflex integration tools in a positive way to engage your client, infant or toddler.

Understanding The ‘Why’

We’re not here to diagnose or put a band-aid on a “problem”. Just straightforward information as to WHY and HOW sensory processing and development are connected, as well as actionable activities that will be beneficial for development.

No More Guessing

With video demonstrations and clear descriptions, we take the guesswork out of helping you and your client, infant or toddler experience success. We want to make this journey as easy as possible for you!


Early Intervention Blueprint: Sensory and Developmental Milestones for Infants and Toddlers

Learn how to give your client or child the best start on their motor & sensory development and gain the knowledge and understanding for hitting developmental milestones, sensory processing, and primitive reflex integration!


Lifetime Guarantee Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

How Is This Course Administered?

This course is administered via online videos and worksheet downloads that you be able to access through learn.harkla.co once you have purchased!

What Is The Refund Policy For This Course?

Like all Harkla products, this falls under our lifetime guarantee. This basically means that if at any time you aren’t satisfied with the course, we’ll refund you right away.

Will I Have Access To The Instructors For The Course?

We offer the ability to book a time slot with the instructors for an extra fee, but you are able to comment within courses and get answers to those comments as you go from the instructors.

We also are very responsive on customer support and social media to connect with our community.

What Ages Is This Course Designed For?

The Infant Sensory Development Course is designed for children ages birth - 3 years old. This course focuses on infancy, babyhood and early toddlerhood.

Can I Benefit From This Course If My Child Has Already Missed Milestones Or Showing Signs Of Neurodiversity Or Developmental Delays?

Yes! This course is designed for children ages birth to three, the activities you’ll find within the course are beneficial for every child, regardless of developmental milestone acquisition.

Do You Cover Primitive Reflex Integration In This Course?

We teach about common primitive reflexes you’ll see emerge from birth, activities to promote natural integration of these reflexes, as well as functional, play-based activities to include in your daily routine to work towards integration of potentially unintegrated reflexes.

Do I Need To Purchase Additional Equipment In Order To Take This Course?

Not necessarily. Our goal is to share sensory-based activities that require household materials and everyday items to keep your life simple! We do share products we recommend and don’t recommend as pediatric occupational therapy assistants, as well as other activities that include a variety of materials.

How Do I Get My Certification for CEUs?

In order to earn your AOTA CEU certificate you must complete the course evaluation and pass the post-test with 80% accuracy. Then you'll be able to download and print your certificate for continuing education!

What Exactly is the Digital Course Workbook?

Our AOTA-approved digital courses come with a physical workbook - all the digital course PDFs made into a beautifully printed book that we will ship to you. It is the digital course in physical form! You can use our workbooks for quickly referencing and photocopying when needed.

The physical workbook is available separately. If you do not need the CEUs, you can purchase another course option and add the workbook at checkout! Please note that you will have the option to add the workbook after you enter payment information.

The workbooks are only available to those who have purchased the corresponding digital course.

Digital Course Workbooks ship worldwide and take about two weeks for delivery due to processing time.

Our Lifetime Guarantee


We don't mess around with our commitment. Unless you are 100% satisfied, we aren't satisfied either. We're a company that truly cares about you and will answer any question or concerns you have.

This means that if you are not absolutely happy with your product, we will not only refund you without question, we will cover the return shipping. There's no reason you should pay for a product you aren't happy with.

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Giving Back On Our Sales

1% of all Sales are donated to GAME CHANGERS Idaho

At Harkla, our goal is to help those with special needs live happy and healthy lives. To continue our mission and to support the sensory community, we donate 1% of every sale to Game Changers Idaho. Game Changers Idaho provides year-round inclusive sports leagues to give children of all abilities the opportunity to learn, grow & create friendships through sports. Learn more about Game Changers Idaho here.

“Game Changers Idaho strives to make an impact benefiting over 400 children with special needs in the grades of K-12 by providing adaptive sports year around in the Treasure Valley. All sports programs (7) are free to all of our families as we seek funding from the community. Harkla has been one of our most dedicated [sponsors], allowing hundreds of children play sports to their best ability! We are so appreciative of Harkla’s support.”

Gabriel Moreno
Executive Director
Game Changers Idaho

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Madison S.

As an OTR there were a few topics that I wish went a little more in depth, but overall, super helpful course of basics. I use the resources I got from this course all the time.

Dorothy K.
Perfect for OT skills

This course has helped me understand so much about infant and toddler development. I am an OT, and my program barely touched upon the 0-3 year olds, and this is a population I am passionate about working with. I learned so much about motor skills, sensory development, and primitive reflexes. I highly recommend this course to any OT, parent, or individual working with young children!

Infant and Toddler Sensory Course

Can’t say enough how great this course was! As an FNP and a mom of 3 this was so inciteful and informative that I have been integrating into my practice as well as at home. Highly recommend!

Comprehensive Course!

I recently purchased the Expert Level course. My favorite thing about the course is the resources and research provided. This allows you to connect all of the dots and take actionable steps immediately!

Amol A.
Incredible resource

I highly recommend this course to all pediatric OT practitioners and parents. The course is designed and structured in a way that benefits parents. I found the treatment interventions to integrate primitive reflexes very useful for overall child development.
Treatment interventions will help kids having impairment to live and dwell in their environment alongside other kids.

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