Assessment and Integration of Primitive Reflexes for Improved Independence in Daily Activities

Assessment and Integration of Primitive Reflexes for Improved Independence in Daily Activities

Learn how to, screen, test and integrate retained primitive reflexes and help your client or child improve motor, social and daily functioning skills by implementing fun, therapeutic, and functional activities!

Learn how to, screen, test and integrate retained primitive reflexes and help your client or child improve motor, social and daily functioning skills by implementing fun, therapeutic, and functional activities!

M.B. | Occupational Therapist

“I absolutely loved this course and highly recommend it to my fellow OTs and parents. The format is very easy to follow, with excellent videos, great ideas for treatment, and handouts that are shareable.”

Provides continuing education hours approved by AOTA for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants
1.05 AOTA CEUs
This course is approved for 1.05 AOTA CEUs or 10.5 contact hours

Taught by Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants with Certification in Primitive Reflex Integration

14 Modules of training

10.5 Hours of video lessons

70+ Instructional Digital PDFs included

Comprehensive overview of the 8 primitive reflexes

Testing each of the 8 primitive reflexes

Specific integration exercises for each of the 8 primitive reflexes

Screening checklists for primitive reflexes

Tools for kids who need extra help and modifications

Tools for kids who push back

Primitive reflex research and studies

BONUS Module; Covering topics: Postural Reflexes, Overflow Associated Movements, Primitive Reflexes Integration into Sensory Diets, Primitive Reflexes Integration into Obstacle Courses, Primitive Reflex Yoga Flow, and Classroom Modifications.

8 Additional submodules of functional activities to integrate each of the 8 primitive reflexes

8 Case studies with real life testing of 8 children

200+ Page physical spiral workbook included

This course is approved for 1.05 AOTA CEUs or 10.5 Contact Hours (see continuing education section below for more information)

See Course Summary
Designed for parents, educators and therapists looking to more thoroughly and comprehensively expand their knowledge on primitive reflex integration to improve daily life skills- without AOTA CEUs

Taught by Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants with Certification in Primitive Reflex Integration

14 Modules of training

10.5 Hours of video lessons

70+ Instructional Digital PDFs included

Comprehensive overview of the 8 primitive reflexes

Test each of the 8 primitive reflexes

Specific integration exercises for each of the 8 primitive reflexes

Screening checklists for primitive reflexes

Tools for kids who need extra help and modifications

Tools for kids who push back

Primitive reflex research and studies

BONUS Module; Covering topics: Postural Reflexes, Overflow Associated Movements, Primitive Reflexes Integration into Sensory Diets, Primitive Reflexes Integration into Obstacle Courses, Primitive Reflex Yoga Flow, and Classroom Modifications.

8 Additional submodules of functional activities to integrate each of the 8 primitive reflexes

8 Case studies with real life testing of 8 children

200+ Page physical spiral workbook included

This course is approved for 1.05 AOTA CEUs or 10.5 Contact Hours (see continuing education section below for more information)

See Course Summary
Created for parents looking to understand the fundamentals of primitive reflex integration and get started on their journey to improve daily life skills for their child(ren).

Taught by Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants with Certification in Primitive Reflex Integration

13 Modules of training

7.5 Hours of video lessons

60+ Instructional Digital PDFs included

Comprehensive overview of the 8 primitive reflexes

Test each of the 8 primitive reflexes

Specific integration exercises for each of the 8 primitive reflexes

Screening checklists for primitive reflexes

Tools for kids who need extra help and modifications

Tools for kids who push back

Primitive reflex research and studies

BONUS Module; Covering topics: Postural Reflexes, Overflow Associated Movements, Primitive Reflexes Integration into Sensory Diets, Primitive Reflexes Integration into Obstacle Courses, Primitive Reflex Yoga Flow, and Classroom Modifications.

8 Additional modules of functional activities to integrate each of the 8 primitive reflexes

8 Case studies with real life testing of 8 children

200+ Page physical spiral workbook included

This course is approved for 1.05 AOTA CEUs or 10.5 Contact Hours (see continuing education section below for more information)

See Course Summary
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Primitive Reflexes

What Are Primitive Reflexes?

The building blocks for achieving higher level skills

We are all born with primitive reflexes! At birth, primitive reflexes are present to assist in survival - most develop in utero. These reflexes are automatic movements, directed from the brain stem, without thought or direction. These involuntary movement patterns are designed to keep the newborn alive and help with development throughout infancy.

Most parents are familiar with primitive reflexes from interacting with their children. When an infant grasps your finger or has the “startle reflex”, these are both primitive reflexes. There are quite a few more to be aware of! Primitive reflexes are essentially the foundation for higher-level learning and development, because when these reflexes don’t integrate on their own, they can hinder future development and learning.
What Are Primitive Reflexes

Retained Primitive Reflexes Can Hinder A Child’s Future Development

Integrated vs. Retained Primitive Reflexes

Primitive Reflexes should have a limited life span; they should integrate - go away - or mature as a child meets their individual motor milestones.

As your child grows up, these primitive reflexes should be suppressed by the higher functioning parts of the brain. When a primitive reflex integrates, it makes way for new, more mature movement patterns and higher-level learning to develop. However, sometimes this doesn’t happen for a variety of reasons.

When primitive reflexes aren’t naturally integrated, they become retained reflexes and significant challenges may arise, development may be hindered, and the child may not gain higher-level skills. Retained primitive reflexes can cause symptoms or contribute to autism, dyslexia, speech disorders, sensory disorders, and hyperactivity.

Retained Primitive Reflexes Can Lead to Many Challenges

When children retain primitive reflexes, they will often times struggle with:

Social Skills

Coordination for Playing Games or Sports

Emotional Regulation

Problem Solving

Focusing in Class

Reading & Writing


Who Is This Training Designed For?

Our 3 Course Options were carefully created to meet the specific needs of Therapists, professionals, Caregivers and Parents


Expecting, new, or seasoned!


Anyone with a child who is 5 years or older, or child in their life aunts/uncles, grandparents, daycare providers,
foster parents, etc.

Therapists &

Those who work with children
ages 5 years and older.

Well informed, enjoyable to watch,
and at a great price!

“This course was so helpful! It was well informed, enjoyable to watch, and easily understood! The provided printable materials were clean and well designed as well. I learned so much despite previous knowledge on the topic and would highly recommend this course at such a wonderful price!”


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Meet Your Instructors

Learn from two passionate CertifieD Occupational Therapy Assistants

We are two very passionate Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants who specialize in Sensory Integration and Primitive Reflex Integration.

After over 10 years of working with children in outpatient settings, we realized we wanted to bring our expertise to more families and therapists. With this mission in mind, we started the All Things Sensory Podcast, and have been creating in-depth trainings to help children with sensory challenges and retained primitive reflexes.

Our goal is to empower and educate families, caregivers, therapists, and educators to ultimately create strong, confident children!

We are so excited to have you join us!

Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialists

Our passion FOR primitive reflexes

We became Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialists (CPRCS) in 2023, although we have over 10 years of experience.

We have the expertise, team and resources to bring this information to you in a way that makes sense. We can’t wait to hear your success stories after taking this course and putting it into action. This course combines our 9+ years of experience in occupational therapy plus hours of continuing education to make it, in our opinions, one of the best resources for reflex integration.

Rachel Harrington, COTA/L, CPRCS

Jessica Hill, COTA/L, CPRCS

Rachel Harrington


Rachel is a Pediatric Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant who is dedicated to helping children with different abilities feel confident in their own skin. She holds her Autism Certificate, and is continuing her education in Handwriting Without Tears, Primitive Reflex Integration, Sensory Integration, and more! Rachel lives in Boise, Idaho with her husband, two young children, and dog, and can be found outside hiking, playing games, and not taking life too seriously!
Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill


Jessica is a Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant who specializes in Pediatrics. She is passionate about helping children become healthy, happy, and confident members of society. She has training and experience in Primitive Reflex Integration, Sensory Integration, feeding, and parent training. Jessica and her son live in Boise, Idaho with their two crazy cats and enjoy hiking, swimming, and traveling!

Here’s What You Get


THIS DIGITAL COURSE IS A 14 MODULE TRAINING + 8 Functional Activity Submodules WITH 10.5 HOURS of video, AND 10.5 contact hours / 1.05 AOTA CEUs (PLUS BONUSES!), ALONG WITH CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS tO improve performance in functional daily tasks for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities


What are Primitive Reflexes?

Learn everything you need to know about Primitive Reflexes. What they are, how and when they should naturally integrate, what happens when they don’t integrate, and screening checklists for parents, therapists and teachers.

Moro Reflex + Functional Activities

You’ll learn what the Moro Reflex is, when it first appears, and when it should integrate. You’ll learn how to test the Moro Reflex, see real life examples of a retained Moro Reflex, and the exercises to help integrate the Moro Reflex + over 15 functional therapeutic activities for integration.

The Tonic Labyrinthine (TLR) & Landau Reflex + Functional Activities

You’ll learn what the TLR & Landau Reflexes are, when they appear, and when they should integrate. You’ll learn how to test both reflexes, see real life examples of a retained TLR and Landau and the exercises to help integrate both + over 18 functional therapeutic activities for integration.

The Rooting Reflex + Functional Activities

You’ll learn what the Rooting Reflex is, when it first appears, and when it should integrate. You’ll learn how to test the Rooting Reflex, see real life examples of a retained Rooting Reflex, and the exercises to help integrate the Rooting Reflex + over 10 functional therapeutic activities for integration.

The Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR) + Functional Activities

You’ll learn what the ATNR is, when it first appears, and when it should integrate. You’ll learn how to test the ATNR, see real life examples of a retained ATNR, and the exercises to help integrate the ATNR + over 25 functional therapeutic activities for integration.

The Spinal Galant Reflex + Functional Activities

You’ll learn what the Spinal Galant Reflex is, when it first appears, and when it should integrate. You’ll learn how to test the Spinal Galant, see real life examples of a retained Spinal Galant, and the exercises to help integrate it + over 18 functional therapeutic activities for integration.

The Palmar Grasp Reflex + Functional Activities

You’ll learn what the Palmar Grasp Reflex is, when it first appears, and when it should integrate. You’ll learn how to test the Palmar Grasp, see real life examples of a retained Palmar, and the exercises to help integrate the Palmar + over 25 functional therapeutic activities for integration.

The Symmetric Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR) + Functional Activities

You’ll learn what the STNR is, when it first appears, and when it should integrate. You’ll learn how to test the STNR, see real life examples of a retained STNR, and the exercises to help integrate the STNR + over 16 functional therapeutic activities for integration.

Tools for Kids Who Push Back

Primitive reflex testing and integration can be challenging. We dive into the underlying challenges that some kiddos might experience during testing and during integration. You’ll learn strategies to increase motivation & participation as well as what NOT to do.

Tools for Kids Who Need Extra Help

You’ll learn ideas for kiddos who need modifications, adjustments, and more. We include strategies for those with physical limitations, pre or non-verbal, motor planning challenges, behavioral challenges, low muscle tone or hyper-mobile joints.

Screening Checklists

If you’re not able to physically complete the full primitive reflex testing, we cover and provide screening checklists for therapists, families, educators and yourself!

BONUS: Postural Reflexes, Overflow, Sensory Diets, Yoga, and More!

We dive into a variety of BONUS topics including: postural reflexes - what they are and how to strengthen them, overflow and associated movements, adding primitive reflex integration into sensory diets and much more!

Case Studies

Rachel and Jessica tested the primitive reflexes of 8 individual children. We show you video footage of these 8 individuals and walk you through our observations, notes, screening results, HEP and treatment plans for each child.


A complete collection of the articles, studies and research referenced throughout the course.

Thank You & Disclosures

We thank you so much for purchasing and taking our course. Rachel and Jessica felt the calling to make the information about primitive reflexes digestible and simplified. Both felt the calling to spread this information far and wide, while finding evidence to support the need for integration. Thank you so much for joining us!

Physical Workbook Included

200+ Pages Of incredible course content

All of our PDFs printed and organized in a workbook that includes reflex screening, checklists, integration activities and pictures of all of our recommended testing, exercises, and strategies. Everything you need in one place to reference quickly and efficiently!

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this COURSE, participants should be able to:

Identify 3 potential adverse reactions to occupational-based tasks when primitive reflexes are retained, i.e. bathing, eating, playing, etc.
State 5 common primitive reflexes and their symptoms when retained.
List 3 functional activities to include during play-based therapeutic treatment interventions to integrate primitive reflexes.
Identify 2 modifications to daily occupations when reflexes are retained to improve successful participation in ADLs and IADLs.
List 2 strategies to improve caregiver success with HEPs in the home / school environments to improve reflex integration.
Define the pyramid of learning and identify where primitive reflexes are located, compared to academic and cognitive skills.
State the importance of integrating primitive reflexes during play to improve occupational performance.

Assessment and Integration of Primitive Reflexes for Improved Independence in Daily Activities

Distant Learning- Independent

Primitive reflex integration refers to the process of facilitating the integration of primitive reflexes into more mature, controlled movements. This integration is addressed through specific therapeutic techniques and exercises designed to stimulate the central nervous system and promote the development of higher-level skills. By addressing primitive reflexes, the aim is to enhance overall neurological development, coordination, balance, motor skills, and cognitive functioning in order to improve independence with daily occupations. Designed for pediatric occupational therapists, this course provides the resources for screening, testing, integrating and improving performance in functional daily tasks for children with neurodevelopmental disabilities.

PD Provider Name and
Contact Information:

Harkla Co



Rachel Harrington, COTA/L, AC, CPRCS

Jessica Hill, COTA/L, CPRCS

Target Audience:

Introductory-intermediate-level OTs, COTAs, PTs, PTAs, and other professionals working with children with developmental delays

Note: While many professionals may benefit from the course content, we can only guarantee acceptance of continuing education by AOTA.

AOTA Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Contact Hours:

10.5 contact hours / 1.05 AOTA CEUs

Time Ordered Agenda: View Here

Educational Level:



Financial: Rachel Harrington and Jessica Hill are employees of Harkla Co. and podcast hosts of All Things Sensory, by Harkla.

Non-Financial: No relevant non financial relationship exists.

Registration Information, Including Special Needs Requests:

Harkla will make accommodations following the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you require specific accommodations because of a disability, please email prior to beginning the course to make appropriate arrangements. Requests may also be made by calling Harkla at 1-844-939-2122 Login to your account on to access your course materials, video lessons, post-test, and course evaluation.

PD Activity Completion Requirements:

Record of purchase (recorded automatically by our system and checked when accessing the post-test)

Successful completion of the post-test (≥ 80%)

Attestation statement verifying the learner viewed the webinar in its entirety and completed the post-test independently (included on post-test)

Cancellation Policies:

Canceled By Harkla: This course is not presented live, therefore will not be canceled by Harkla at any time. If you are experiencing technical difficulties with accessing your course materials, please contact Harkla: Harkla’s Happiness Guarantee provides full refunds if you are not satisfied with your purchase. Contact support for assistance.

Canceled By Participants: Participants may cancel their purchase at any time before beginning the course and will receive a full refund. Please contact customer service for assistance:

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Simple + complete = outstanding

Deserves to be considered as an official course to be included in anyone’s resume. Harkla’s course is concise versus other courses that are informative but too long and not going to the point. The OT’s are fun but always keep it to a serious level. If you have studied PR’s before, this course helps you to wrap information up and use it, so it’s practical. But it also gives you lots of back up information, so if you are new to PR’s you’ll get to know what they are in an extremely easy and understandable way. I’m glad I took it and I think it’s worthy the price.

Leonel R.
P.e. Teacher

Why Families & Therapists Love This Course

Why Families & Therapists Love This Course

Improve Life By Integrating Primitive Reflexes

If your client or child has retained primitive reflexes, learning to integrate them could lead to improved:

  • Social Skills
  • Learning
  • Motor Skills
  • Executive
  • Functioning
  • Coordination
  • Reading & Writing

Makes Learning Fun!

We believe that learning is more impactful when it’s fun! This course provides you with the tools to implement new activities & exercises in a positive way to engage your client or child.

Understanding The ‘Why’

We’re not here to diagnose or put a band-aid on a “problem”. Just straight forward information as to WHY your client or child may be struggling and engaging, actionable exercises that will help.

No More Guessing

With video demonstrations and clear descriptions, we take the guesswork out of helping you and your client or child experience success. We want to make this as easy as possible for you.


Assessment and Integration of Primitive Reflexes for Improved Independence in Daily Activities

Learn how to, screen, test and integrate retained primitive reflexes and help your child or client improve motor, social and daily functioning skills by implementing fun, therapeutic, and functional activities!


Lifetime Guarantee Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

How Is This Course Administered?

This course is administered via online videos and worksheet downloads that you be able to access through once you have purchased!

What Is The Refund Policy For This Course?

Like all Harkla products, this falls under our lifetime guarantee. This basically means that if at any time you aren’t satisfied with the course, we’ll refund you right away.

Will I Have Access To The Instructors For The Course?

We offer the ability to book a time slot with the instructors for an extra fee, but you are able to comment within courses and get answers to those comments as you go from the instructors.

We also are very responsive on customer support and social media to connect with our community.

Do You Test Or Diagnose My Child For Primitive Reflexes?

No. Testing for Primitive Reflexes is based on age and concerns for the family.

Please work with your local pediatrician or therapist to determine if a child requires formal testing for Primitive Reflexes.

Is This Course Beneficial for Children Without Disabilities?

Yes! If your child or client is struggling in different areas, specifically academics, they could certainly benefit from integration of primitive reflexes!

Is There A Correlation Between A Diagnosis Of ADHD And Retained Primitive Reflexes?

Although there is no solid research to back this up, there are similar signs / symptoms when looking at a child diagnosed with ADHD.

If a child is diagnosed with ADHD, it can be a good idea to have them formally tested for Primitive Reflexes.

What Happens When There Is An Inconsistent Positive Response When Testing And Re-testing A Primitive Reflex?

There are many variables when testing for Primitive Reflexes. Fatigue. Hunger. Clothing choices. Illness. Age.

Since this is an online course, we won’t be able to assist with this.

Is This Course Helpful For Parents and Caretakers?

Yes! We've had many parents and caregivers take our course and implement the reflex integration on their own with huge success! The ‘Expert’ course option is great for parents and caretakers.

How Do I Get My Certification for CEUs?

In order to earn your AOTA CEU certificate you must complete the course evaluation and pass the post-test with 80% accuracy. Then you'll be able to download and print your certificate for continuing education!

Is there a payment plan for the course?

Yes! If you select Shop Pay or PayPal while checking out, you will have the option to select a pay over time plan. If you need any help with this, please reach out to us:

What Exactly is the Digital Course Workbook?

Our AOTA-approved digital courses come with a physical workbook - all the digital course PDFs made into a beautifully printed book that we will ship to you. It is the digital course in physical form! You can use our workbooks for quickly referencing and photocopying when needed.

The physical workbook is available separately. If you do not need the CEUs, you can purchase another course option and add the workbook at checkout! Please note that you will have the option to add the workbook after you enter payment information.

The workbooks are only available to those who have purchased the corresponding digital course.

Digital Course Workbooks ship worldwide and take about two weeks for delivery due to processing time.

Our Lifetime Guarantee


We don't mess around with our commitment. Unless you are 100% satisfied, we aren't satisfied either. We're a company that truly cares about you and will answer any question or concerns you have.

This means that if you are not absolutely happy with your product, we will not only refund you without question, we will cover the return shipping. There's no reason you should pay for a product you aren't happy with.

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Giving Back On Our Sales

1% of all Sales are donated to GAME CHANGERS Idaho

At Harkla, our goal is to help those with special needs live happy and healthy lives. To continue our mission and to support the sensory community, we donate 1% of every sale to Game Changers Idaho. Game Changers Idaho provides year-round inclusive sports leagues to give children of all abilities the opportunity to learn, grow & create friendships through sports. Learn more about Game Changers Idaho here.

“Game Changers Idaho strives to make an impact benefiting over 400 children with special needs in the grades of K-12 by providing adaptive sports year around in the Treasure Valley. All sports programs (7) are free to all of our families as we seek funding from the community. Harkla has been one of our most dedicated [sponsors], allowing hundreds of children play sports to their best ability! We are so appreciative of Harkla’s support.”

Gabriel Moreno
Executive Director
Game Changers Idaho

Customer Reviews

Based on 88 reviews
Lynzie A.

Primitive Reflexes - Master Level

Primitive Reflexes

I am glad to purchase this course to help me understand what these reflexes are about and how they affected my son's behaviours. The lessons are clear and I am able to follow them through the accompanied videos. I look forward to see positive changes in my son after implementing the strategies one after another.

Martha K.
Reflexes Master Level

A wonderful course!!!

Ivana D.
Love it

I love learning on the details of retained primitive reflexes and the ways to tackle those. The ladies also provide comprehensible view on the topics, offering further resources and one of a kind loving approach :)

Allen W.
The best!

One of the best things we did for our kids. They enjoyed the exercises and we've noticed a ton of behavioral improvement. Thank you!

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