Sensory Diet Digital Course - AOTA

Sensory Diet Digital Course - AOTA

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Learn how sensory challenges could be holding your child back and how to use a Sensory Diet to improve mood and focus.

Customer Reviews

Based on 57 reviews
June O.
June Osborne COTA/L

This is an effective tool to use in school settings!

Ari D.
We have more than 5 sense

Enjoyed learning about the 3 sense we don't learn in preschool. It was great to understand and learn about the vestibular, proprioception and interoception sensory difficulties people could be experiencing and how to understand symptoms of over and under responsiveness. Love all the able print outs as well!

Patrick W.
Creating and Implementing Sensory Processing Diet

The training was fantastic. I love the handouts, slides, pictures and the videos for all learning styles. The full course book with the cards and all the tools are fantastic. You make the training so easy to follow, listen and implement into our settings. Thank you

Dottie P.
Sensory Diet Course Review

This was a great course, it has enabled me to show parents some things they can do at home to help their child with sensory issues.

Teri S.

Sensory Diet Digital Course - Master