Primitive Reflexes - Master Level

Primitive Reflexes - Master Level

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Learn how to integrate retained primitive reflexes and help your child improve motor and social skills by implementing fun, therapeutic activities!

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Jillian Y.
Primitive Reflexes- Master level

Excellent course, well presented! The endless resources made available in video as well as PDF are invaluable, and will absolutely be utilized. I particularly found the case studies exceptional. I will be taking future courses through Harkla again, for sure! Thank you.

Pavlina Z.
many concrete connections and explanations

I like the structure and clearly defined connection with visual support for easier understanding, many practical ideas, most of which are also visually supported

Julia M.
Great practical course

Course is really good but not scoring full 5 stars because the accompanying manual/workbook is an additional charge. As I am in uk this is not viable. A digital manual would be welcomed.

Jaclyn B.
A whole new level of understanding

This course is amazing! As a chiropractor, this is something I am able to implement into my practice and help so many kiddos achieve a balanced life. As a mom of 3, this has opened my eyes to so much with my kids. It has given me the tools to help them in the best way. Couldn't be happier :) Can't wait to take this knowledge and continue to spread it around and help so many!

Judith D.

Primitive Reflexes - Master Level

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