What You Need to Know About Autism and Sleep

by Alescia Ford MS OTR/L, ATP October 04, 2017 1 Comment

sleep and autism blog post

One of the biggest issues for people with autism is sleeping problems. This is actually a very common issue autistic children and adults have, and if fixed can have a positive effect on a lot of aspects of their lives. 

We all know how we can become irritable when we don't get a good night's sleep. If your autistic child is continuously having trouble falling and staying asleep, think about how that affects their behavior every single day!

With that in mind, we wanted to write the ultimate guide on how to help your autistic child sleep better. We cover why sleep is important for your special child, what sleep medications can help, and how to set up a routine for success!

If you have any questions or comments to add, please let us know in the comment section. 

Sleep deprivation

sleep and age chart

If your child is not getting the recommended amount of sleep, the effects can compound and sleep deprivation can result. 

The National Sleep Foundation recommends that preschool children receive 11-13 hours of sleep each night, school-age children 10 -11 hours, and teenagers 8 - 10 hours. Because the recommended sleep time decreases with age, the recommendation for adults is 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

Side effects of sleep deprivation can include:

  • Irritability, mood changes
  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Behavioral issues: hyperactivity, aggression, inattentiveness
  • Difficulties with organization, planning, judgment
  • Difficulties with new learning & retention of learned skills (memory)
  • Decreased safety awareness

    Common Sleep disorders

    The National Sleep Foundation reports that only 35% of American adults qualify their night’s sleep as “good.”  When sleep issues manifest for a sustained period of time, a more clinically diagnosed sleep disorder may be to blame.

    While the most common sleep issues reported are related to falling and staying asleep, there are a number of ways to characterize a sleep problem:

    • Insomnias: difficulty falling asleep and/or difficulty staying asleep
    • Hypersomnia: excessive sleepiness
    • Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders: apnea, snoring, groaning
    • Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Cycle Disorders
    • Parasomnia - excessive movement during sleep cycles

    Unfortunately, for children with autism, these sleep problems occur more frequently are compounded by some of the stressors that are commonly associated with an autism spectrum disorder.

    Autistic Sleep Disorders

    Autism Speaks estimates that over 80% of children with autism have sleep problems.

    Researchers are working hard to uncover exactly why the incidence of sleep disorders is so high in autistic children: Does the neurological and genetic makeup of the autistic brain and body contribute to sleep issues? Or, are issues with sleep contributing to commonly observed symptoms, behaviors, and learning difficulties associated with autism?

    Less Time Spent Sleeping

    In a study published in the Archives of Disease Control, it was reported that children with autism, aged 30 months to 11 years old, slept for 17-43 minutes less per day than their peers. The shortened sleep times were attributed to later bedtimes, earlier wake times, and night awakening (3+ times per night).

    As the age of the research participants increased, the problems with night awakening increased as well (11% of children with ASD versus .5% of children aged 6.75 years). Sleep deprivation is thought to exacerbate some of the social, behavioral, and cognitive skill issues associated with autism.

    Less Time in REM Sleep Cycles

    Research has also indicated that children with autism spend less time in the critically-important REM sleep cycle than other peers (15% compared with 23%). Since this is the restorative phase of sleep where the day’s information, experiences, and memories are consolidated, researchers are examining the role this lack of REM-sleep plays in the learning difficulties associated with autism.

    Difficulty Falling Asleep

    Another common sleep problem with children with autism is difficulty falling asleep. Each of our bodies has a 24-hour sleep-wake pattern called a circadian rhythm. These circadian rhythms are controlled by the hypothalamus of your brain and are essential to falling asleep and waking in a regular timeframe.

    The hypothalamus controls the brain’s release of melatonin, which helps your body become tired. Research has found that people with autism have elevated melatonin levels during the day, and lower levels of melatonin at night - this is the opposite of what should be the case.

    This dysregulation of melatonin levels can contribute to a disruption of the body’s circadian rhythm, meaning parents have to work extra hard to make a non-drowsy child ready for bed!

    Additionally, researchers are examining the role that genetics plays in the autism-sleep relationship. Recent research has found more than twice the genetic mutations of circadian genes in people with autism.  Scientists continue to explore what mutations are indicators of sleep disorders and whether or not these specific mutations are unique to autism or found in other neurotypical sleep-disordered people.

    If you haven’t realized by now, there is no easy answer for figuring out the origination and/or solutions for sleep disorders! To further complicate the issue, children with autism have additional considerations when looking at what could contribute to sleep disturbances:

    • Comorbid diagnoses like anxiety, restless leg syndrome, epilepsy
    • Side effects of medication(s)
    • Neurological diagnoses
    • Sensory dysregulation
    • Gastrointestinal problems
    • Behavioral rigidity associated with a bedtime routine

    Now that we've covered what sleep issues those with autism may be having, let's get into ways to improve them. 

    11 Tips on How to Get an Autistic Child to Sleep

    sleeping autistic childFinding the right combination of tools, strategies, and routines will take some trial and error.

    As you trial sleep tools and make changes to routines and environments, be sure to keep a sleep log or sleep journal. Subtle changes can have drastic effects on your child’s behavior, so keep track of your observations by writing it down.

    Consider jotting down diet changes, bedtime adjustments, the frequency of wake-ups, wake-up times, and behaviors completing the bedtime routine.

    Even small changes can add up to a big difference over time and it’s too easy to lose sight of your efforts without the written log.

    1) Melatonin for Autism Sleep Issues 

    Some doctors and parents are combining behavioral approaches to sleep issues with over-the-counter melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that is naturally produced by the pineal gland during the sleep cycle and it has been used as a supplement to treat sleep disturbances in kids with ADHD and autism.

    A study in the 2008 Journal of Child Neurologyresearched the effects of melatonin in the treatment of insomnia in children with autism and found that 60% of parents reported improved sleep. The 2006 Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders reports that long-term melatonin treatment was effective overall and no safety concerns were found for continuing melatonin treatment.

    As with all over-the-counter medications, you want to ensure the correct dosage for your child. Believe it or not, melatonin is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) so the dosages vary by manufacturers and medication form (pill, liquid, dissolvable lozenge).

    Because some children with autism are also on psychotropic medications, finding the right dose of melatonin can be a tricky task so it’s best to work with your pediatrician to consider all of the variables that are specific to your child.

    According to Dr. Craig Canapari, director of Yale Pediatric Sleep Center, “In general, I would start at a low dose (0.5–1 mg) and increase slowly. Recognize that melatonin, unlike other medications, is a hormone and that lower doses are sometimes more effective than higher ones, especially if the benefit of it reduces with time.”

    2) Assess your existing bedtime routine

    Establishing a consistent bedtime and bedtime routine can help your child begin to calm himself down.  This routine is important for all children, but even more so for children with autism.  

    A warm (not hot) aromatherapy bath, short story, and lotion massage can help offer calming sensory input while providing visuals of the routine supports predictability and understanding.

    3) Take a close look at what your child is eating 

    You may be surprised at the sugar content in common kids' snacks! As adults, we’re mindful of limiting sugars and caffeine as we approach bedtime, but don’t forget to consider how your child’s diet may be impacting their sleep readiness. Also, be mindful of the nutrients that are lacking in your child’s diet. Foods that contain tryptophan, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B6, and naturally-occurring melatonin may be helpful additions to your child’s dinnertime meal!

    4) Improve Day and Night Time Lighting

    Natural and environmental lighting plays a role in our sleep-wake cycle and it’s not always a positive effect! Certain kinds of lighting affect one’s arousal level more so than others.

    For example, daylight and fluorescent lighting are stimulating. Limiting screen time 2 hours prior to bedtime and avoiding brightly lit rooms will help regulate your child’s circadian rhythm.

    Research has supported that red-hued bulbs do not affect the circadian rhythms, so if a nightlight is needed, consider swapping out the typical bulb for a  red-hue.

    5) A Special Autism Bed Tent

    Cubby Bed

    Companies are now making enclosed beds, or bed tents, which provide a contained, cozy, safe space for sleep.

    There are many styles – separate free standing units, pop-up types that rest on top of the mattress and after-market canopies that strap to the bed frame itself. Some are inflatable, portable and easy to assemble.

    You can find bed tents with varying safety measures built in to prevent elopement.

    Some of these beds for autism can be bolted to the floor, or easily moved within the room, while others allow more flexibility for travel, allowing families to potentially spend a night in a hotel, or at grandmas house.

    If you really want a top of the line bed, the company to check out is Cubby Beds! They create "smart beds" that has almost all of the features a parent could want for their child with autism.

    Their beds have circadian lights built into them to help mimic natural lighting, soothing speakers for a calming environment, and even a monitoring camera!

    Since these are top of the line, the price is pretty high, but they do a great job working with insurance companies to get a decent portion of the bed covered.  

    6) Consider your child’s bedroom environment

    From the window coverings to the colors on the walls, and the noises in between. Your child’s bedroom should be a calming retreat that offers sensory deprivation when it’s time to calm down.

    A  white noise machine can help filter out some of the extraneous hallway or outdoor noises that may be disruptive to your child falling or staying asleep.

    Black-out curtains or roller shades are effective ways to block excess light from peeking through the window to wake your child up earlier than needed!
    Darker colors on walls will foster better sleep than lighter colors, so consider repainting in a darker hue that won’t reflect the light as much.

    7) Add-In a Sensory Diet and Exercise 

    All of these sensory activities promote regulation and the hormones released are also involved in sleep. So, encourage sensory activity throughout the day to support your child’s sleep patterns but be mindful of stopping alerting sensory activities one hour prior to bedtime.

    You can read our article herewith more information on sensory diets. 

    8) Aromatherapy & essential oils 

    Lavender, vanilla, chamomile can be used in bedtime sprays, lotions, and essential oil baths to promote calm and relaxation before bed. Using a diffuser is a great way to help spread the essential oils if your child enjoys the smell.

    9) Consider your child’s bedding

    harkla blanket for kids

    The textures of the sheets, pillows, and comforters should be sensory-preferred and snuggly soft.

    Some parents find that oversized pillows or stuffed animals offer additional sensory input for squeezing, hugging, and burrowing.

    Consider a heavy duvet/down comforter or a specifically-designed weighted blanket.

    Weighted blankets have been found to offer deep touch pressure which can positively impact sleep behaviors.

    Another option that provides deep touch pressure is a sensory compression sheet. These sheets wrap around the bed and offer compression to the child. Often times, it's hard to customize the amount of compression your child is getting, but they are more breathable than a weighted blanket. 

    The choice between a weighted blanket and a compression sheet would depend on your child's preferences.

    10) Get a Sleep Smart Alarm Clock

    If your child has difficulty knowing when it’s officially “wake-up” time or oversleeping, try adding a sleep-smart alarm clock that specifically targets their needs.

    OK to Wake Alarm Clock - Good for kids who wake up early and need to learn to wait in bed until a reasonable hour! This clock glows a green color when it’s wake up time (you set the time).

    Wake Up Light - Good for kids who have trouble waking up. This alarm clock simulates a natural lightening when it’s time to wake. Another bonus is that it can act as a nightlight in any color hue (including red!)

    11) Increasing Natural Light-Exposure During the Day

    More natural light is very good for our natural cardiac rhythms and can improve our sleep cycles at night. Schedule 10 minutes of outdoor play in the early morning, noon, and at dusk.

    Explore the use of a lightbox as a tool for light therapy. This is especially helpful in the winter months or if you live in an area that isn’t rich in sunshine year-round!

    Co-Sleeping and Autism

    The desperation of sleepless parents is a reality that forces many families to resort to co-sleeping with their child in a last-ditch effort to get some shut-eye. If your child is known to climb out of his crib in the middle of the night or wander around the house while the rest of the family is fast asleep, co-sleeping offers peace of mind and an element of safety.

    It’s an understandable and common adjustment that families often make out of resignation and frustration. 

    If you choose a family bed, keep in mind that your sleepless child with autism will soon become a teen... and then an adult! It will get more difficult to accommodate a larger body in bed with you, especially if behavioral issues associated with sleep disruptions escalate over time.

    Consider consulting with a behaviorist who can come into your home and work with your family to identify alternate solutions or a way to move from the family bed to another sleep setup. Sometimes recommendations are made for a cot, sleeping bag, or mattress placed adjacent to the parent’s bed to transition the child to a more independent sleeping arrangement in a gradual way.

    Autism Sleep Study

    If you are interested in seeking more information about exactly what your child’s sleep patterns are, there are sleep centers that will conduct sleep studies. While these tend to be more invasive and a last-resort for families, they do offer helpful insight and possible additional solutions.


    Sleep is a complex issue that doesn’t always have an easy one-size-fits-all solution, especially when you’re a child on the autism spectrum. Fortunately, there are many sleep-specific resources and products available to help you create your own sleep tool-kit.

    Finding your just-right sleep solution might be a lot like picking out your new mattress though -- you may have to try a bunch before you find the right one! Let us know what sleep strategies work for you.


    Facebook Live Session with The Pocket OT on Autism and Sleep

    Do you learn better with video? We had Cara Koscinski from The Pocket OT do a special Facebook Live about sleeping issues and autism. Here is a replay for you to dive even deeper into the subject

    Video Notes:

    2:18 Poor sleep impairs our physical and psychological well being.

    2:34 Sensory system issues affect sleep.

    3:50 Transitioning to sleep from a busy day is difficult.

    4:31 Start a sleep routine about an hour before bed.

    5:00 Visual schedules are helpful (PECS).

    6:40 Take pictures of your child doing bedtime routine activities.

    7:30 Do2Learn.com has pre-made visuals.

    8:00 Set the example for your child by having a bedtime routine.

    9:00 Help your child relax with calming techniques.

    10:00 Weighted blankets can help your child relax.

    10:50 Linear swinging and rocking can be relaxing.

    12:10 Talk to your child's doctor about melatonin.

    15:50 Light from video games cause wakefulness.

    17:20 Choose colors, scents, and sounds that are calming.

    20:00 Spa-like environment for your child.


    Check out our YouTube video about 5 Tips for Bedtime! 

    Alescia Ford MS OTR/L, ATP
    Alescia Ford MS OTR/L, ATP

    1 Response


    October 23, 2019

    Thank you for this information I only wished I had come across it sooner.
    My son is 23 and his anxiety and insomnia is getting worse. He strugglele with any change in his routine or disruption so painting his room is very challenging for him and it really needs doing. I would like to be able to help him make his bedroom relaxing and calming. I’m sending him this website link and hopefully he will find it helpful.

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